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stepLINKS of the Day

Is it International Women’s Day today? Not Mother’s Day? Not Valentine’s Day? Not International Trad Wife get in the kitchen day? Not International Women can’t drive day? Just straight up International Woman’s Day, that forces you to. think about what women have done for you lately? Sure they gave you life, but was that really […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s memorial day weekend, so along with honoring your fallen soldiers, which is obviously depressing and frowned upon by the likes of Bud Light and Target, because they’ve conditioned people to have no national pride in this globalized freakshow of a world, where the military doesn’t represent your freedom to the average person and the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Keep my wife’s panties out of your motherfucking mouth, and use them for an emergency shelter when you’ve been run off the road in this geo engineered, chem trail, snowstorm they pretend is climate change…. The fact that I don’t exploit my fat wife, put her on OnlyFans, put her on feet fetish sites, sell […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I wonder where this “I identify as” end…meaning if a man identifies as a woman, a woman as a man, a man as an animal, all these pronouns are fucking crazy, but they are generally accepted and if you don’t accept them, you can go down for being involved in some sort of hate crime, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I watched Blonde, it was a piece of shit, I don’t care if you’re an empty motherfucker trying to find some sort of art, who confused the imagery as being cinematically beuatiful and not corny as shit, or if you like Ana De Armas’ Cuban as fuck tits whispering in her best MK Ultra voice, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Remember motherfuckers, whether you’re rich as shit, living your best superstar life thanks to social media, or broke, alone, lame as shit, out of touch with the world, waiting to die because you don’t need to be impressive you can just be…..life’s good. Mainly because I won’t be updating this bullshit cancer on my life […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The funniest revelation or realization that I’ve had the last few years is that I am actually pro humanity. I always found people to be fucking idiots who don’t really understand the basic, or what’s important and for that were a fucking stain or embarrassment on what it means to be human. Just the self […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like to think the whole being trans thing is like the covid thing in that you can use it as the best excuse to get out of basically anything…I am not saying that’s why people are trans…I am just saying that’s why they should be trans…. Because if you want to come out of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Going into crowds trying to trigger the woke liberals has always been one of my childhood dreams, because I always loved the troll and those are the group to troll, but unfortunately when I was the most active in trolling, where I was the most happy trolling, NO ONE would get triggered because they’d have […]




stepLINKS of the Day

With everyone so ass obsessed, you gotta wonder how many of these pervert young folk shit into a condom and freeze it only to use as a dildo or butt plug, assuming they even know what condoms are… I know people are forgetting that it is the end of the world, but even before we […]