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Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid Incest Pussy Flashing of the Day

Bella Hadid and Gigi Hadid are Arabs, which means they would be mercy killed if it wasn’t for the fact that her family raised them in LA, where being an LA vapid twat who craves being a model because it is that stamp of approval their egos need, outweighed their Arab family values… Their dad, […]




Gigi Hadid Pussy Print of the Day

We are living in the BIKE SHORT revival….and as someone who used to call people Gayer Than Bicycle Short, which was a dis I used against a lot of people, but mainly on fallen crackhead soldier – DJ AM, back in the having sex with Nicole Riche Days, before he was the biggest DJ in […]




Gigi Hadid Tits Out for Vogue of the Day

Gigi Hadid is a legit model people. She’s not just some rich kid from LA who had a team of people get her relevant on Social Media early on in Social Media…by paying off the Kardashians and magazines and brands to feature her to elevate her profile and presence….in a fake it til you make […]




Gigi Hadid Bikini of the Day

Big news…Gigi Hadid was in a bikini – and the world didn’t end…like “we’ve accomplished everything we need to see here”…because despite Gigi Hadid probably thinking she is the center of the fucking world…she really isn’t that important and either are her bikini pics…yet here I am posting them like they matter cuz I know […]




Gigi Hadid Nipple of the Day

Gigi Hadid isn’t hot, despite all the media attention she gets, but at least she doesn’t look like this sharp edged dude that her sister looks like… All these girls are a lot of fucking hype wit very little substance…they don’t offer the world shit and when I see them with their face injections all […]




Gigi Hadid Tits Out for Fashion of the Day

I don’t know about this Gigi Hadid muppet face. I realize that she’s made it as a rich girl who didn’t need to make it to begin with but egos had to be fed…. But I’m not convinced. I see through the scam her and her family have coordinated and all the people in fashion […]




Gigi Hadid With her Tits Out of the Day

The most important thing to know about Gigi Hadid is that she’s got a mole on her tit. It must be from her Arab breeding with Scandinavian genetic disorder that causes tit mole. I find nothing interesting about any of these girls, They just don’t really exist to me, but all the brand deals and […]




Gigi Hadid Nipples for Pirelli Calendar of the Day

The Pirelli Calendar is still a thing, even though there’s an app for that and we don’t need Calendars….but I guess there are still blue collar workers and mechanics who need to objectify women with their toxic masculinity and misogyny, and set up a set of tits for the month to stare at every day […]




Gigi Hadid Tits Out for Fashion of the Day

Gigi Hadid is far more interesting when her tits are out….and even then..she’s not very interesting at all… I just see laziness, even if she works all day at her model career, it’s not hard work at all. It’s just some entitled rich kid with a deep voice not taking her resources or her ability […]




Gigi Hadid Getting Wet of the Day

Here’s some Gigi Hadid throwing herself overboard after seeing what her sisters actually look like without all the muppet shit she’s jacking in her muppet face. Or maybe she realizes that she’s a terrorist, and not the 3 year old Mexicans getting tear gas shot out them, and that the real enemy of the state, […]