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Sofia Richie Watches her Lame Ass Groupie Friends Perform a Threeway Kiss for Her of the Day

When you’re Sofia Richie, finding mooch fuck bitches to suck your dick, and treat you like you are god is pretty fucking easy. She’s Lionel’s actual daughter, unlike that imposter NICOLE, she’s got access to money, private jets, that jet set life thanks to daddy….actual daddy…not some rich dude like the Hadid Dad after moving […]




Sofia Richie Pussy Hugging Pants of the Day

Do you technically need to call a cameltoe a KamalaToe now that Kamala Harris is up for Vice Presidency…or should we just stick to PUSSY DEFINITION…something that pre-COVID you’d see every time you left the house, but that you’d probably see every time you leave the house now, because of the popularity of ATHLEISURE-WEAR, now […]




Sofia Richie Wet Suit Pussy of the Day

Sofia Richie’s out here in a wet suit that’s riding her ass, because she’s in the Kardashian program, probably managed by the MOMAGER Kris, and likely making a ton of money promoting whatever it is she’s promoting thanks to the general public being programmed to buy shit that rich people tell them to buy, so […]




Sofia Richie In a Bikini of the Day

Sofia Richie, who has access to her Lionel Richie Trust fund and who will be one of the recipients of his inheritance assuming he will one day die, meaning she doesn’t need to work, or go to school or really do anything but be a rich and entitled, spoiled pile of shit….and what better way […]




Sofia Richie’s in a Bikini for Attention of the Day

Sofia Richie was written off the Kardashian show, or maybe her dad Lionel stopped throwing money at the Kardashians to cart her around as the older sister’s husbands new pussy, but that doesn’t mean she can’t leverage what she’s built….not that she’s really had to build anything but rather just show up to their luxury […]




Sofia Richie in a Bikini Top of the Day

Sofia Richie and Scott Disick have put their fake creepy vacation loving high end Kardashian bullshit relationship on hold, at least according to US WEEKLY who bring you the hard hitting bullshit no one cares about.. It’s a we’re just here for the Sofia Richie titties in a bikini, because they are better than Nicole […]




Sofia Richie’s Skinny Friend in a Bikini of the Day

Sofia Richie was out on the beach with some girl who makes her look fat. I am not sure who the skinny friend in the bikini is, but she’s definitely making Sofia Richie look a little boxy. Not that Sofia Richie gives a fuck, they’ve got photoshop to fix that for her IG feed, and […]




Sofia Richie Bikini of the Day

Sofia Richie’s on some trendy e-bike for what I am sure she’s either getting paid for, or maybe her fake internet boyfriend in their transactional business relationship is one of the investors in, because the two idiots called the paparazzi for some coverage of them on the beach with it, because nothing generates some hype […]




Sofia Richie’s Strategic Topless Shoot because Why Not of the Day

General consensus is that Sofia Richie is hot, mainly because she’s not a blood relation to Nicole Richie, by the time this one, who is Lionel’s actual kid was old enough to be tainted by that trashy Nicole who was found in a dumpster, Nicole had already moved out. She’s 20 years older. Despite being […]




Sofia Richie Topless of the Day

You can pay Sofia Richie 30,000 to do an instagram post on your brand, that does not include a blow job because the trust fund Lionel Richie who must be close to a billionaire Heiress, saves her mouth for the Kardashian’s ex husband and baby daddy, who she gets to travel the world with and […]