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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s a weird world these days, that’s all I know….for so many reasons but the funny one is is this transhumanism trend, where NO ONE is a gender anymore….men aren’t men because they are scared of being #metoo-ed if they tread women like men….so women are getting that from other angry chicks….so lesbian relationships are […]




Bar Refaeli Panties in Bed of the Day

Astute Business man Bar Refaeli, who knows that if you want to save on Taxes, don’t pay taxes and when the tax people come after you, blame your mom and let her do the time, so you can continue raising your kids and planning other money making schemes thanks to being a top tier model, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Earlier today I was amazed that I saw two police cadet girls working the beat, in what I’ll assume was part of their summer training for their police tech schooling, you know get them in uniform and walking the streets, making sure people are wearing bike helmets or stopping at the stop signs on the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again….It’s a crazy world. Knowing you have no control is probably the best place to be. We aren’t free and it’s obvious so do what you are told it’s probably for the best…you’re not a hero, you’re a peasant fuck and that’s how peasants live….I know… Unfortunately, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We are the 99 percent, let’s work on things together…it’s something important to remember….you neighbors are your allies….if the apocalypse happens you’re going to have to rely on each other when evading the evil doers who are trying to emprison you… NOT TO BE A CONSPIRACY THEORIST OR ANYTHING….. IN the meantime, don’t fall for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

All the conspiracy theories are coming true…so maybe you should stop believing people telling you shit’s crazy and follow your fucking instincts you dumb fucks….because a lot of this shit is obvious…not to mention if you’re not into getting weird experimental medicine they are trying to manipulate into getting by not letting you into Walmart, […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The voice of the internet no one listens to is how I should brand myself….because I feel like if I think I am important other people will and I’ll get that private jet money that these people with podcasts that I am sure suck but that end up making 50 million dollars from evil corporations […]




stepLINKS of the Day

No one cares about what I have to say, but I’ll say it anyway, not that I have anything to say, which is why I should have started a Video Network with Original VIDEOS for YOUTUBE back in 2007 when Youtube Started paying people out….living off that Youtube Money would have been far better than […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s funny when you think of alcoholics of the past, in an era before internet, or at least before cellphones because I was going to bars and partying in the internet era, even in the cellphone era, just not THIS cellphone era….but yeah…the bars were a great place to meet other drunks, who for the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know the Caitlyn Jenner running for Governor is still trending…and I just find it funny because the woke people are going to end up having to eat each other as they do when things get too confusing for them to handle and they implode….you know when being too woke because fascist…oh no….but it was […]