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Helena Christensen and her Niece of the Day

Helena Christensen posted a bunch of pics for a recent Victoria’s Secret campaign she’s a part of, seeing as she was one of their early VS Angels in the mid 90s, which I don’t really remember because I preferred the models I jerked off to in catalog form to remain nameless, but I guess it […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So is anyone standing outside protesting the FLU Shot being the mark of the beast, or is that only for COVID vaccines? What are the hip vaccines to hate or to love unconditionally because you think it will save your life, even though 99% of COVID deaths are old people… I don’t say that in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Do you wonder if you’ll ever meet people in person again. I mean as someone who hates people, I sure as fuck hope not, but there are people out there who genuinely like to socialize and converse with others. They even do these things like meet ups and get togethers and dinner parties where they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Tis the fucking season to get girls to sit on your lap….virtually….since you can’t actually get women to sit on your lap in person…it’s illegal…like Footlosse dancing is banned…where’s Kevin Bacon to dance his way back into our hearts and save the CHRISTMAS spirit….I am like all the Corporations and when Halloween ends CHRISTMAS begins, […]




Pandemic Halloween Round Up of the Day

The funniest thing about this Halloween thing is that for the most part, these people strictly dressed up for INSTAGRAM…since most “responsible” or brain washed people were too scared to go out for Halloween. I know locally, people who hand out candy to kids were SHAMED for having Jack-O-Latterns out, or a bowl of candy […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Despite how depressing the world appears to be, how evil society seems, how dark and ominous the future is being presented to you….remember that you can still fuck, jerk off, stare at tits, get drunk, eat a good meal…like pizza and cake at any given time of the day…that they deliver to your door… It’s […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The more I stream bullshit TV and movies the dumber and dumber I get….the way they wanted when they created TV….but it’s better than social media…because I’d rather be brain washed by produced movies and tv with high budgets – the old fashioned way, It is better than be annoyed by social media idiots spewing […]




stepLINKs of the Day

There is so much to be angry about in the world…no matter what your life is about or what you are into…there’s just a steady stream of shitty that can get you down…money, bitches, pandemics, politics, activism, social justice warriors, other people’s better lives on social media…..but tonight just got a little better….at least for […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In very important news…Mel Gibson is trending on because cancel culture is mad that he is playing Santa Claus because he was cancelled but not hard enough for cancel culture a bunch of years ago and want him to be cancelled…but yeah…the outrage is because he’s playing Santa but publicly made those anti-jewish comments all […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Remember – the answer to all your worries is to block and delete people you don’t agree with so it’s like they don’t exist…and you can go on lamenting with like minded people who hate all the same things you do… Go into tonight knowing that if you were in high school now, no matter […]