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stepLINKS of the Day

When people remain annoying as they scramble around social media about politics, covid, politicians beating covid in 3-4 days…..you should focus on the important things in life…..no, not like the meaning of life shit….or analyzing porn vs mainstream, where being a porn chick meant being blacklisted, while now it means being cool, so cool the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The problem in the world is that they listen to the people of the internet, when they shouldn’t. They don’t listen to me, but they listen to all the whining bitching brats of the internet who always existed but were ignored, but now have a platform….whether it’s getting brands to change their name, calling white […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know people are all upset that Halloween is going to be cancelled, but as it turns out, Halloween is only good for the slutty costumes and now with social media, everyday is slutty costumes for a lot of these girls….most of their slutty pics don’t even look like they actually look thanks to photoshop…we’re […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t understand why kids are pissed about schools being cancelled or why they are against doing the whole work from home thing….because looking back on high school, it was the fucking worst. What a waste of fucking time with a bunch of useless assholes….. It was a waste of fucking time on every fucking […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Do Italians scream “pinocchio” every time they get an erection…..or was that just Walt Disney’s move in the back of the theatre during one of his latest cartoons…like he was Peewee Herman during his darker years…. That said, do you remember when sex toys were reserved for lonely fat ladies, bored married ladies, and lesbians? […]




stepLINKS of the Day

NUTTY! The world is nuts so those of us who have always been called crazy now need to go more nuts, so tonight I plan to smear my hep feces on public door handles…maybe I’ll target the banks….or I’ll just sit on the couch and wait until tomorrow…we got options… Not that I’m nuts, or […]




Diane Kruger Pussy Print of the Day

Diane Kruger is looking good. I am typically a hater of all women in swimsuits over the age of 30, sometimes I’ll go as far as 40, there’s just too many hot chicks under 30 to spend your time looking at, why sell yourself short with some old bitch… BUT occasionally, one comes a long […]




stepLINKS of the Day

All I know is the sound of whatever construction going on outside is giving me flashbacks of trying to have sex with my wife’s sand paper, cat tongue-like pussy….back when she first hit menopause and was a creeky barn door pussied bitch…. So today’s , I tied leaving a comment on Facebook…. It was about […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know what is more exciting on the internet…and in life…since the internet is life….is it people making all their life choices based on what political parties the brand supports publicly or rumored to support….so that they know WHO to go to war with….GOOD VS EVIL no matter what side you are on… Or […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

How’s everyone doing in these keep everyone divided times…. While the government tells you who you can and can’t hang out with and at what distance between those people that you must keep to hang out…It’s some mom not wanting you hanging out with the bad kids at school…only you’re all fucking adults…you’re all fighting […]