I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Amateur Couple of the Day


I am a voyeur, probably because I can’t get my dick to work and have no choice by to vicariously live through normal people. But I think part of me has been this way for a while. I remember drunken nights that involved me climbing up fire escapes and watching university girls going at it….I only got caught once. That’s what I love about being criminal, you never get caught the first time.

This is a photobucket gallery sent in by some hot slut I wish I could cum inside but can’t. I hope the pics are still up – cuz the dude in the couple is bi and shoves things in his ass and that is funny. The girl’s just some shaven 12 year old looking bitch who fucks a bi guy who shoves things in his ass. I love homemade pics

Check out the dirty album here

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I am – David Spade Picture of the Day

I am a nice person. Everyone always tells me how rude I am. How I never say good things about anyone and how my humor is the weakest kind of humor out there, because all I do is dis and everybody has the ability to dis…..go fuck yourself, keep your opinions to yourself. If I cared, I’d ask you for a fucking interview, which is what I did ask this this bitch. She stars in “Infomercials and is part of SAG and is an Extra”, I thought it would be amazing content until she responded saying my site is “bad”. Now I know my target market isn’t 45 year old bitches who look like dudes, with muff guts so big we’d think she was pregs, until we realize menopause made pregs impossible for this bitch 10 years ago…either way she said the site is bad, I figured I’d tell you what is bad is that women like this actually exist, and apparantly have real vaginas, not the kind they make in sex change operations…..I just made you famous, bitch.

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I am – Amanda Lepore Mac Ad of the DAY

I have nothing to say about this other than: naked trannies scare the fuck out of me, especially when they look like Lepore. I guess this is Mac’s attempt to be cool, without realizing only Goth bitches and faggots like Amanda Lepore, oh and Pam Anderson, but she’s like a faggot, only bigger breasted. I’ll be back later, I am just wasted.


Jesus Martinez

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I am – Lohan Hacked Photos

I have the same problem as Lohan, everytime I muster up the energy to leave my ghetto piece of shit apartment to go to the store for beer, or beans, or burritos, or any other product that starts with the letter “b”, I feel like people are taking pictures of me. That is really only because I am ultra paranoid, unshowered and in a shirt I stole from Home Depot, it’s plaid and insulated and I haven’t washed in in a few weeks, and people tend to stare. Here are some pics of Lohan with her useless Jew friends, with Bongs, pretending to eat pussy, giving the finger and all the other classy things a cokeslut with the hottest tits in town and patchy skin can get away with. That’s my fucking story and it wasn’t meant to be funny, so don’t bother commenting on how I am not funny – because I already know that. Cunt.

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I am – Lohan’s Tit


I am slow on this one because I don’t care enough to hustle for you and because I don’t spend every day on the computer waiting for a tit slip. Yesterday, I was drinking cocktails with the star of the local performance of “Rent”, and by that I mean some faggot down the street with Aids, who drinks his sorrows away like me.

If you are wondering why I decided to post this, which you are not, because you aren’t even reading my smut, but it is because she has a great rack, and I have been watching these tits develop since Parent Trap. All you fuckin people dis up on her cuz of the freckles, calling her a dalmation, or a leper, are missing the point that she’s got hot tits. Also, all you people who rip into her for being a coke slut are fucking lame, because everyone knows all the cool girls out there are cokesluts, and if you are anti Cocaine, and anti sluts, you are not gonna be getting much pussy in your life. Stick to video games you fucking pussy.

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I am – Lohan's Tit


I am slow on this one because I don’t care enough to hustle for you and because I don’t spend every day on the computer waiting for a tit slip. Yesterday, I was drinking cocktails with the star of the local performance of “Rent”, and by that I mean some faggot down the street with Aids, who drinks his sorrows away like me.

If you are wondering why I decided to post this, which you are not, because you aren’t even reading my smut, but it is because she has a great rack, and I have been watching these tits develop since Parent Trap. All you fuckin people dis up on her cuz of the freckles, calling her a dalmation, or a leper, are missing the point that she’s got hot tits. Also, all you people who rip into her for being a coke slut are fucking lame, because everyone knows all the cool girls out there are cokesluts, and if you are anti Cocaine, and anti sluts, you are not gonna be getting much pussy in your life. Stick to video games you fucking pussy.

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I am – Nick’s New Jessica

Nick Lachey is rumored to be dating some Miss America/Pageant Queen named Lizzie Arnold. I came across these pics of her and all I see are tits and a busted up old leather shoe of a face. I am personally more drawn to the 20 year old who looks 40, than the 40 year old who looks 20 because there’s something exciting about slammin’ someone who’s been living hard and in the gutter This bitch is totally primed and ready for a career as a stripper, just as soon as Lachey loses his lawsuit for patrimony, or whatever the fuck it’s called when a mooch loser runs after his wife for money, and needs his new bitch to earn the coin…..something he’s clearly too homo to do.

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I am – Nick's New Jessica

Nick Lachey is rumored to be dating some Miss America/Pageant Queen named Lizzie Arnold. I came across these pics of her and all I see are tits and a busted up old leather shoe of a face. I am personally more drawn to the 20 year old who looks 40, than the 40 year old who looks 20 because there’s something exciting about slammin’ someone who’s been living hard and in the gutter This bitch is totally primed and ready for a career as a stripper, just as soon as Lachey loses his lawsuit for patrimony, or whatever the fuck it’s called when a mooch loser runs after his wife for money, and needs his new bitch to earn the coin…..something he’s clearly too homo to do.

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Pherlure Update of the Day

So I haven’t had a Pherlure update in a while and was thinking about bringing it back. Coincidently, I open my inbox and this is the email and pics I get.

I like the fact that this guy got a girl back to his place from a grocery store, that’s the shit the house wives dream about while watching soap operas. I like the fact that he sent in some hot pics of the girl all dirty with batter enough to throw my logo up on them, so whether the Pherlure worked for him or not, he still got laid, and he got a bitch smeered in batter and that’s more than I can say for you, pussy.


I know a lot of people who read your site don’t believe Pherlure works. That’s why I took the challenge. I figure if some people say it’s good and other’s say it’s bad so I will just put up the money and try the shit for myself. This is my story, it’s gonna sound crazy, so fuck you, cuz it happened.

I sprayed myself with the shit for the 4 days and got nothing until the day I decided to leave the house. I was at the Price Chopper around the corner buying underwear and Goldbond when this fucking bitch runs into my ankles with her cart. As I turned around with a frozen pack of meat in my hand, ready to get die hard (with a Vengeance) on whoever’s ass banged me up. Then I realized that she was a girl who lived in the apartment block next to mine. Seeing as I could hardly walk, she offered to help me home with my groceries (and my medicated powder and underwear).

She was all shocked that we lived so close and had no idea who I was, making me feel like a bit of a stalker for knowing exactly who she was and I was actually really familiar with her ass from watching her jog all of last summer. But that’s not the point. She’s up in my apartment.

My intention wasn’t to fuck, just because I only pick up in bars and wasn’t expecting to get someone back home. I went for underwear, but once she got through my front door, that’s all I could think about. Fucking this broad was my number one goal.

We got to talking as I unpacked my groceries. That’s when she found the cake mix. She decided she wanted to make cake. I don’t give a fuck cuz it means I have an hour more with her. Next thing I know, her tit’s falling out, and she’s smearing batter all over her rack. That’s when I move in and start making out with her in the kitchen! It was fucking unbelievable, batter smearing all over my shirt and wall and I didn’t care. Maybe she was just into me…but it all happened right after she told me how good I smelled and she had no idea who I was before the grocery store, meanwhile I’ve been wanting to chat her up foir months.

You can’t make this shit up and here are the pictures I managed to take before I was too busy slamming her against the wall.

She left me her number, I know where she lives, if anything else happens I will be sure to write in and tell you!

Stankfully yours,


p.s. love the site, you dirty spic.

If you want in, buy some here

Remember to take pics/video of your experience and send them to me.

If you want to see previous stories, go read them here

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I am – YouTube Dump from the Couch of the Day


What started off as a something to do, has turned into an obsession for Steve. He hasn’t left my couch in 4 days, other than to piss and bum cigarettes from my neighbors. I tried to tell him that watching other peoples home videos starts to get creepy after doing it for 68 hours straight, but then I realized that I can’t tell someone to not be creepy, creepy is my job. He insisted on explaining why he liked these clips the best himself. So here is Steve’s link dump from the couch of the day, written by Steve.

Urban Ninja:

Remember when you were like, 11, and you watched all 4 “American Ninja� movies, then you ran around your house doing somersaults on the furniture? Then your mom got mad cause you accidentally drop kicked your sister in the face and broke her nose? Well I do, and so does this guy. The only difference is that I grew up, and he is asian.

Watch Urban Ninja

Stupid Asians:
Have you ever seen an Asian drink? Its funny, because they get shit loaded after 3 drinks. Then they start talking in broken english and get really annoying. The only problem is that you can’t beat them up because they travel in packs and carry knives. These are their sisters.

Watch Stupid Asians

More Stupid Asians:
This one time I sang in the choir for my elementary school graduation. My mom thought it would be cute to video tape it. Well it wasn’t fucking cute, so I destroyed the tape. Again, these chicks are asian, so instead they put it on the internet.

Watch More Stupid Asians

Hot Chicks Rapping:
The only Difference with these chicks is that they are hot. And when you see them singing like idiots you imagine yourself taking them on a road trip to the beach to play beach volleyball all day while dudes in sports cars give you props. Then you go out and get drunk while they are the center of attention on the dance floor. Then you grab them by the hand and lead them to the water where you gently kiss under the stars and tell them you love them. That’s what I imagine.

Watch Hot Chicks Rapping

Don’t Quit Your Day Job:

When I found this video I thought that it would be just another goofy girl singing and rapping into the camera. After about a minute of watching it I started to feel really uncomfortable and wasn’t sure if I was becoming a pedophile, or if it really had comical value. All I know is that being embarrassed for someone you have never met is a really weird feeling, and the fact that it gave me a semi erection will haunt me till at least Thursday.

Watch Don’t Quit Your Day Job


ok dont ever post my youtube vids on the internet….

srry just dont

i think ur like a 70 yr old stalker trying to moleste gurls so dont!

and that vid u posted i deleted so hah

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