I don’t know who this bitch really is, other than Rod Stewart’s slutty daughter. She’s rockin the L.A. coke scene harder than your cock, pervert, and she loves the fucking camera. She actually follows the papparazzi around in efforts to get them to notice her. She probably figures the more media coverage she gets, the more likely she will become an actual b-lister. I guess before releasing the gangbang sex tape, bitch is testing the water by rockin a bikini. I like that pun, I should say no pun intended because every shitty newspaper writes that whenever there’s a pun and it isn’t obnoxious in the least. I always find it funny that no matter how skinny a girl gets, she can never really get rid of her cellulite. That’s the shitty thing about the diet-pill coke diet. I have enough flappy pussy in my life at home, it would be nice if my internet experience was a little more in shape. Jerks.
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