I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Carolina “Pampita” Ardohain Nip Slip

She is a Wonderbra and Victoria Secret Model. She is from Argentina. She speaks spanish. She likes Mexican men named, Jesus. I made up that last part. Before there was the Internet, there was a masturbation haven found in the form of catalogs and magazines….memories of the bra section in the sears catalog, or the tribal topless woman breast feeding like an animal with it’s litter on its tit in Geographic. You 16 year olds out there should thank Mr Internet for making masturbation more accessible.


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I am – Carolina "Pampita" Ardohain Nip Slip

She is a Wonderbra and Victoria Secret Model. She is from Argentina. She speaks spanish. She likes Mexican men named, Jesus. I made up that last part. Before there was the Internet, there was a masturbation haven found in the form of catalogs and magazines….memories of the bra section in the sears catalog, or the tribal topless woman breast feeding like an animal with it’s litter on its tit in Geographic. You 16 year olds out there should thank Mr Internet for making masturbation more accessible.


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I am – Kirstie Alley’s Boobs – Before She Was Fat

“Sam Mallone where’s my twinky motherfucker” were words that were often heard on the set of Cheers, back when Kirstie Alley maintained her wait with a good old fashion coke addiction and eating disorder….”John Travolta, where’s my twinky” were words heard on the set of all the “Look who’s Talkin'” movies, before Kirstie Alley gave up sex, became 300 pounds, and developed a weird bacon scent that seemed to follow her wherever she went. Lucky for you I found a series of clips, left on the cutting room floor, of Kirstie’s boobies…

Click to See Tits

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I am – Kirstie Alley's Boobs – Before She Was Fat

“Sam Mallone where’s my twinky motherfucker” were words that were often heard on the set of Cheers, back when Kirstie Alley maintained her wait with a good old fashion coke addiction and eating disorder….”John Travolta, where’s my twinky” were words heard on the set of all the “Look who’s Talkin'” movies, before Kirstie Alley gave up sex, became 300 pounds, and developed a weird bacon scent that seemed to follow her wherever she went. Lucky for you I found a series of clips, left on the cutting room floor, of Kirstie’s boobies…

Click to See Tits

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I am – Lohan NEWS

Direct from the “Home of Lohan” News desk come more Lohan news.

Wilmer says he is fine after his November breakup from Lohan. Wasn’t it in November when Lohan had her breat removal. He goes on to say he wants to date Helle Berry, Angelina Jolie or Lucy Liu. But I think Fez is pushing his look. He should go for A. Simpson. HERE

We have more info on Lohan’s new movie, A Prairie Home Companion. Written by author and National Public Radio personality Garrison Keillor.

Keillor, who wrote the screenplay will, also star in the film which has been described as a comedic behind-the-scenes look at what goes on backstage at one of America’s most celebrated radio shows. Meryl Streep plays a country music siren, while Tom Waits and Lyle Lovett star as singing cowboys. Lohan would portray the daughter of Streep’s character.

A new fight has just begun with JoJo she aims to become a film star on top of being a pop star. But, she insists, “I’m certainly not Lindsay Lohan, where everywhere I go, there’s a camera in my face.” And she plans to stay grounded and in control.
Via VH1

THERE’S bad luck on Lindsay Lohan’s movie, “Just My Luck.” Lohan (above) spent a lot of time partying in the early days of filming in New Orleans and came down with a bad flu, as we reported yesterday. Now word comes that production has been shut down completely due to Lohan’s illness — costing producers big bucks every day. They should call the people who made “Herbie: Fully Loaded” with Lohan — they also had their budget busted when Lohan became sick on-set. A rep for “Luck” said shooting would resume tomorrow.
Via PageSix

LINDSAY Lohan is having a better time in New Orleans than previously thought. Lohan, 18, in Louisiana shooting “Just My Luck,” has been having a ball with Johnny Knoxville, 33, who is in the Big Easy shooting “Dukes of Hazzard.” According to an Us Weekly spy, the two have been “hooking up” for a couple of weeks. Meanwhile, all the partying seems to have caught up with Lohan. The star had to get chest X-rays the other day, and took a day off shooting Monday due to a bad flu. “Everyone on set is on antibiotics,” said her rep, who declined to comment on Knoxville.
Via PageSix

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I am – Jewish Fact of the day: Kosher pt. 6

The Jewish fact of the Day:

“All Vegetables and fruit are kosher, but they must be carefully checked for non-kosher foods like insects.”

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I am – Video Clips of the Day

Video clips make the world go round. Without video clips, we would all die. If we all died, I wouldn’t be able to get lap dances anymore. If I couldn’t get lap dances anymore my life would suck, even if I was dead. That’s some pretty heavy shit, think about it when you watch our clips.

After The Jump

Guys Smashing Beer Can on Head

Chinese New Year- Ninja in Training

Boobie Jiggle

Funny Montage – thongs – cars and classy women

Chinese New Year – This Hot Dog is Talking to Me?

Girl thrown through basketball net…

Dancing Clip of the Day

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I am – Afraid to Ask

This is a message board that is all about genitals. I am down with genitals, I like to call them the happy place, at least for people who don’t have herpes. I guess when you have herpes it quickly goes from the “happy place” to the “motherfucker”….I have decided to make this message board a second home, I have decided to post some of the better posts in the vagina forum


My Boyfriend Hates My Labia Size

Hi, I am in need of some major help. My labia(inside lips) hang down past my outer lips.
My boyfriend always said somthing about them and how ugly it was and how I looked rough.
It was so hurtful and made me so inconfident.
I am a beautiful girl and you would never expect me to have suck an ugly Vagina.
We broke up about 4 months ago. It is so sad, I am so scared to date someone else. I will never be able to let another man see me.
I would do the surgery but I have heard horrible stories about it.
Please help guys.. What do I do?
Why is it so disgusting? I am really getting depressed about it.

I want to date again, but I dont want to get caught in a situation where I want to get frisky.. You know. I am so sad!
Is it as disgusting as he though it was. : (

Labia…Need Help

im 13 and my inner labia lips are longer than my outer ones. and its so embarassing and i dont know what to do. i CANT tell my parents because they wont understand because thats how they are. but ive never had sex or nething. i wanna kno why its like this. i looked online and it sed it could be from sports lik ebiking and running. and i do both often…could that be it? i really need help because it makes me so self consious. i cant go to the pool without feelin scared. im tired of my labia holding me back from having fun … but theres no1 i can tell and i dont trust callin my doctor because i know she will call my mom and dad. and ijust CANT tell them because they’ll think i was havig sex or something. they already dont trust me so they wouldnt believe me if i said its not tru. what can i do w.o tellin my parents?

Annoying and Icky…

This is gross, lol, but I have an new pet peeve. My fiance and I have unprotected sex. (We are getting married in October, have been together for a very long time, and neither of us have ever had an std, I’m on the pill, so no comments are needed as far as that’s concerned…) Anyway, I don’t recall it bothering me when we first started sleeping together, but lately it drives me nuts when he finishes inside me and I have it leaking out all day long. It’s just so gross. And very uncomfortable walking around in soggy panties. I don’t really want to wear condoms, it just plain feels way better without one. And as far as pulling out goes, it just seems to ruin the moment. I know there really isn’t anything else to do about it, but… I felt I the need to complain.

Finding the hole

i kno this is a weird question but wats an easy way to find a girls hole without actually seeing it? like its totally dark and ur both there naked about to have sex and the only way u can stick it in her is by feel only? im askin this cuz the first time i had sex it was last summer and i was 15 years old and i was pretty drunk. then we’re both there and im about to stick it in but i couldnt find the DAM hole. she had to like put my cock inside of her but after that it was all good. im just askin cuz i dont want any other further occurances of this sort. thanks

Scared What Could It Be

I am a 21 years old female. In Sept of 2004 I recieved the news that I have the BRCA2 gene mutation. My concern is this. I have not had my period now in 13 months. I grow chest hair. My GP isn’t concerned, but I am becoming extremely worried, as each month goes on that I do not get my period. I never really had regular periods when I was in my early/mid teens, but during my late teens it became regular.
Does this mean that I am menopausal?
Could I have ovarian cancer?
My GP tested my hormones when I had not had my period for 4 months and said that my hormones were normal (I thought that I was lacking some hormones)
Should I be going to get a second opinion? Should I be worrying?
Please help, I am very concerned and don’t know what I should be doing.

2 small pimples on the vagina, what are they?

I have recently noticed 2 small slightly painful pimples on my outer labia. I am hoping they are just pimples. Does anyone know if it could be an std? My partner and I have been monogomous with each other since March and I have never noticed any bumps on his penis. Is it possible to just get normal pimples on your vagina? This is the first time I’ve ever noticed them. Help!

severe itching plz help me

for two days now i have this intense itching pratically in and around the bottom of my vagina towards my anus. its like a constant itch and when i look there are no bumps no irritation sites. nothing except that my vagina is really red… please help me i need a solution. sometimes i will be sitting down or walking and i get a sharp pain like a needle… its really bothering me and im affraid if i itch it to much it will spread whatever it is. someone please help me….. its scarey!


Well yesterday my boyfriend and I were messing around and he was fingering me. Well, I started to realize that he didn’t seem to be into it much. So, I studied his reactions when he stopped fingering me…and I found this…he kept it (his finger) as far from him as possible and wanted me to lick myself clean like always. So then I was thinking maybe its the smell, and I said “I wonder if it should smell like that” and he said “Yea…it does stink a little” I’ve noticed that after awhile, it can get very strong. If I were to describe a color, it starts off clear when it’s wet and then turns kind of a dark yellow maybe light brown. It can get very bad if I do not shower regularly. I am 15 and sexually active with the same guy for 6 months, and we were both virgins. I had this problem before I even started to have sex. I went to a doctor and got birth control but they wouldnt do a papsmear on me because they said I wasnt sexually active ( I told them I wasnt)I also went to the doctor and got pills to treat a bacterial infection, and it didnt help. I’ve treated myself for yeast infections atleast 6 times, with different, and very expensive medicanes…what can I do? This is very embarressing and hard to deal with..help?

Can you get pregnant if…

Can you get pregnant if you give your guy head and then french kiss him and then he eats you out? But when you give him head he didn’t totally ejaculate in ur mouth..it was just precum. Is it possible that when you kiss him…it goes to his mouth and then to ur vagina when he goes down on you?


I have noticed something weird lately. I had sex with my husband two nights ago and I just got my period. When I went to insert a tampon, my labia’s felt different. Neither one of us have an std (proven) and it’s weird. It feels kind of like it is peeling, like fresh skin getting rid of old skin, but it feels like there’s something crusted on it (only thing I could come up with, not being gross.) I have taken showers thinking that maybe that would get whatever it is off or that it would stop peeling but it still feels the same. Can you get dry skin down there and if so how do you prevent it and how do you treat it. Can you use that Vagisil stuff for dryness I guess you would call it. This has never happended to me before, please help.

im just all messed up down there

alright.. im fucked up all down there in my region!!

alright let me tell you whats wrong this time…

On my pussy lips… whatever the technical term is.. the skin there is getting really kinda.. hard and sore.. i dunno what is going on.. it hurts alot and it feels like its cracking!! ahh!! im so annoyed with this down there!!

can you tell me whats going on!?

Its only happening at the top … not on the sides

Her Personal Site Here

Heavy Discharge

I have a heavy discharge so i have to wear panty liners everyday and it gets me down i always have to choose old women style underwear because i couldn’t go out in anything more skimpier as i would need to use a pantyliner.

I’ve been to the doctor and she says its perfectly healthy and that i just have a heavier discharge then most. I find it so annoying, anyone else have this?


um im 14 and i havent had myt period yet othe than that everything else is up to speed i have huge boobs and i have hair down there but why havent i gotten my period yet? im i like this weird girl who wont get it? im just stressed out cuz all my friends have it and even my 11 year old cuzin has it.

stay sweet and holla back


So…I was performing an exercise during my Pilates class and a queef decided to escape my body. Does anyone know how to prevent or control queefing during pilates or yoga? Thank you!

Yellow Yolkis Stuff in Vagina

ok this is a kinda long story but listen. well im a guy but when i was like 6 or 7 and my sis was 3 or 4, she ran out the bathtub and opned up hr vagina in front of me and there was this yelloe stuff in there. well that was the first time i had seen a vagina. then a couple years later she says to me, cuz she was curious about guys now, what color is ur private part, and i just said purple. you know cuz thats what the head of my penis is. and being curious myself, is said whats yours, and she said yellow. well now im 16 and i know a little more. but is yellow stuff normal in the vagina? i know girls can get yellow vaginal discharges at puberty, but i doubt b4 puberty, and i think it looks more like liquid and less like yolk. so does anyone know what the yellow stuff is? an infection maybe?

ok…another question…i was planning to go with a boy i like to the movies and he was gonna finger me there. but im so shy about my big labia….i juss kno he’ll b freaked out….is there any way i can make it so he doesnt feel. im only13 and my labia stretch to 2.5 cm….im so worried what can i do

A good friend will come bail you out of jail, but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, “That was awsome.”

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I am – Animal of the Day: “African” Elephant

Welcome to the Drunken Stepfathers latest feauture., The Animal of the Day. We bbegin with the African Elephant.

The African elephant, Loxodonta africana, is a little larger than its close relative, Elephas maximus, the Asian elephant. African elephants are the largest living land animals, but some of the forest dwelling elephants are relatively small. The largest African elephants are 13 feet tall at the shoulders, 25 feet long, and weighed 16,500 pounds, or 8.25 tons! The tail is 4-5 feet long!

More Elephant Info after the Jump

The African elephant can be found in southern, central, and eastern Africa. It lives in a variety of biomes, including forests, grasslands, river valleys, and deserts. The elephant can be very destructive to its biome. It tends to defoliate areas by stripping trees of bark and branches with its powerful trunk. Its trunk is strong enough to even uproot trees.


The African elephant’s most obvious adaptation is its trunk, which is basically an elongated nose. It has many uses, such as sucking up water and spraying it back in its mouth. Its main use, however, is to allow the elephant to reach up in trees to reach the foliage, which it eats. The trunk is tipped with two “fingers,” which let the elephant examine, or even pick up, some small objects.

The elephant’s fan-shaped ears have many small blood vessels through them, which dissipate heat from the blood. The ears can also be used as fans, to keep hot air away from the elephant.

The tusks of the African elephant are actually the elephant’s incisor teeth. The largest single tusk ever found weighed 236 pounds and was 11 feet and 6 inches long!

Legs of the African elephant are columnlike, the same width from top to bottom. Its feet are round and have a pad, almost like the one on a cat’s paw, to support the leg. African elephants have five toes on the front feet and three on the back.

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I am – Animal of the Day: "African" Elephant

Welcome to the Drunken Stepfathers latest feauture., The Animal of the Day. We bbegin with the African Elephant.

The African elephant, Loxodonta africana, is a little larger than its close relative, Elephas maximus, the Asian elephant. African elephants are the largest living land animals, but some of the forest dwelling elephants are relatively small. The largest African elephants are 13 feet tall at the shoulders, 25 feet long, and weighed 16,500 pounds, or 8.25 tons! The tail is 4-5 feet long!

More Elephant Info after the Jump

The African elephant can be found in southern, central, and eastern Africa. It lives in a variety of biomes, including forests, grasslands, river valleys, and deserts. The elephant can be very destructive to its biome. It tends to defoliate areas by stripping trees of bark and branches with its powerful trunk. Its trunk is strong enough to even uproot trees.


The African elephant’s most obvious adaptation is its trunk, which is basically an elongated nose. It has many uses, such as sucking up water and spraying it back in its mouth. Its main use, however, is to allow the elephant to reach up in trees to reach the foliage, which it eats. The trunk is tipped with two “fingers,” which let the elephant examine, or even pick up, some small objects.

The elephant’s fan-shaped ears have many small blood vessels through them, which dissipate heat from the blood. The ears can also be used as fans, to keep hot air away from the elephant.

The tusks of the African elephant are actually the elephant’s incisor teeth. The largest single tusk ever found weighed 236 pounds and was 11 feet and 6 inches long!

Legs of the African elephant are columnlike, the same width from top to bottom. Its feet are round and have a pad, almost like the one on a cat’s paw, to support the leg. African elephants have five toes on the front feet and three on the back.

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