I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Bubbles Butt Boosters

Does your girl have a saggy or a skinny ass? Do you? Bubbles is the new must-have jeans accessory that holds your ass up for you..no workout needed.

I love this shit…I have a skinny ass but im more worried about my bulge

I need a cock booster. Im sure there is one out there. Help us find it!

Sorry fat chicks..Bubbles isnt for you! Duct tape is.

See Bubbles Here

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I am – eGay

Meet Little John, Farmer Brown and a gay goat

Heavy Petting?

You decide

Click here

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I am – Chrismukkah Yarmaclaus

OC jews are funny,
They celebrate Chrismukkah
Cohen is a nerd, chicks dig him
He wears motif sweaters
Sandy is a Pimp with good hair
Kiki is from Montreal

I shop at the Ocinsider.com
I bought a Chrismukkah Yarmaclaus to please everyone

You should buy one too…unless your friends are muslim and sihks, in that case you would need a kufi-turbin…you won’t find those at the OC shop. In fact, you probably won’t find any in California..


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I am – Post Mortem Celebrity Stalker

This week on the drunkenstepfather auction watch is a hollywood cemetery crypt

To all celebrity stalkers: Purchase this hollywood cemetery crypt and lay yourself to rest inches away from dead celebs like Marilyn Monroe, Rodney Dangerfield, Dean Martin, Donna Reed, Jack Lemon, Walter Mathau…along with a neverending list of B-actors…

So I guess celebrity stalking has reached a whole new level. Im all for it…I think I would feel better about being dead knowing that my bones will dry out in good company..

Bid Now

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I am – Fetus

I saw this on WTFPeople.com
It’s fucking sick
I don’t even want to talk about how fucking sick this is
But I will…
It reminds me of the time my ex wife miscarried, dumb bitch was smokin crack rock and I told her not to. I was like “do you want a flipper baby” … anyway – we don’t have to worry about her, she is a hooker now, not classy escort, just a good old fashion street whore.

this link is sick – extreme warning – do not click it.


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I am – Dead

Sad Story
Guitarist of Pantera
Shot while performing
I don’t know what to say about this, other than death sucks… more than Pantera’s music
And killing people sucks harder than I did in prison
what was i arrested for? Let’s just say an incident that happened while babysitting!


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I am – Friendster Message of the Day – Robyn

This was a message I got today, it made me laugh….a little. The reason I laughed is because she doesn’t know that I am in fact her ex boyfriend. Ok. I am lying. Whatever Fuck all of you!

From : Robyn
Subject: Re:Are you back?

Dear Jesus,

I’m sure you are a really great guy but unfortunetly there has been a mix up. My ex-boyfriend broke into my Friendster homepage and thought it would be so funny to request your “Friendstership”. I guess he thought your profile would be shocking to me. However I have done more and seen more than he would probably care to know, therefore nothing offends me or freaks me out. I think thats what he was hoping for…

Sorry about all this, you sound very interesting.
Gotta go, I’m choreographing a sweet dance routine to the new Britney Spears remix in front of the mirror..

Oh just in case you want to fuck with him, he is Alex on my page of friends. Do whatever you want!

Robyn is Here

Robyn looks like this Here

Robyn is not my newest friendster!

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I am – Back Trackin'

This is Portman, as in Natalie the actress, playing Spin Doctor, and I don’t mean the BAND who deserve a blog entry they can call their own.. considering their career has brought them to playing weddings for ugly people from the 90’s who remember their first dance, when 2 princes was “Their Song”. I digress.

Portman is a racist, she said being an Ivey League Student, small breasted and Jewish made her feel like a black person.

I think she meant to say her expensive cars, mansions, ice,Cristal and chromed 24s made her feel black…

Anyway – read more here

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I am – Back Trackin’

This is Portman, as in Natalie the actress, playing Spin Doctor, and I don’t mean the BAND who deserve a blog entry they can call their own.. considering their career has brought them to playing weddings for ugly people from the 90’s who remember their first dance, when 2 princes was “Their Song”. I digress.

Portman is a racist, she said being an Ivey League Student, small breasted and Jewish made her feel like a black person.

I think she meant to say her expensive cars, mansions, ice,Cristal and chromed 24s made her feel black…

Anyway – read more here

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i am – roller dancing

This is a video from AntiClown.
It is people on roller skates – doing roller skate dances
I saw this live once and thought it was retarded
After seeing this video – I realize that it remains retarded
But it’s fun to watch, if takin’ it in the ass is your thing
That was a gay joke. That didn’t work out so well.


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