I'll Make You Famous…




I am – Jennifer Love Hewitt

I wrote a poem about Jennifer love… but I lost it….

I will give you a synposis of the poem. It involved her breasts and her annoying face. Her virginity on Party of 5 and how she couldn’t hardly wait. An impatient bitch to some and a masturbation tool to others. As a mexican I really appreciate the way she has represented her roots…but standing up for what she believes in and showed the world that even though her lesbian lover is 12 and black, she will still bring her out and show the world….she is not ashamed

I would like to big up all girls with long necks around the world – with this picture of JL Hew and her lover


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I am – Kerne

I once had a puppy back in mexico – we named him Kerne. Kerne was given away to the local restaurant. We think Kerne was fed to white people in tacos. I never got a Kerne taco, my family was too poor, I would fill up on sand and iceburg lettuce. I did here keren tasted great.

Anyway – in memory of the pooch my mom made me give up… I decided to do a google image search on him….this is a daily feature… you dig?

For the results click here

For the top 5 follow the links that are most relevant to you and your fat wife.

2 and 1/2 inches of Kerne

all about the boys….kerne

a pipe means a blow job in french, Kerne

Kerne Loved Balls

Kerne has Sugar Daddies

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I am – Christina Ricci Post Op

So this girl felt her boobs were too big…she was all like “my back is so sore” and “boys only like me cuz I am stacked”…she was all like “I am a celebrity, I rocked out in the Adam’s Family just as hard as I rocked out in some indy flicks like Pecker and 200 cigarettes and the opposite of sex while making out with a retard in pumpkin all during reruns of casper, listening to Cher in Little Mermaids and fucking Johnny Depp in Sleepy Hallow…..and fear and loathing in Las Vegas but that didn’t have shit on Buffalo ’66”

So she got a breast reduction – I assume this is post op…no scars…but what do I know about breasts…..


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I am – T-Shirt of the Day

I was surfing this site and saw a t-shirt that said Joe Smith Big Pimpin’.
He is the motherfucker who founded the mormon religion.
Mormon’s can have more than 1 wife
Mormon’s are polygamists.
I am too, only I don’t let my wife know about it…
If she knew I was involved with (ot)her girls
It would ruin her.

Check out the t-shirt of the day


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I am – Paris Hilton’s Photographer

I have nothing to say about Paris Hilton
She has big feet…which are very effective in burrito rolling….
I am mexican – we don’t have big feet
Making Big Foot jokes is not in my DNA structure
But barefoot waterskiing in in the Hiltons’

I should stop now…

Check out a bunch of Paris pics, for the Paris addict


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I am – Paris Hilton's Photographer

I have nothing to say about Paris Hilton
She has big feet…which are very effective in burrito rolling….
I am mexican – we don’t have big feet
Making Big Foot jokes is not in my DNA structure
But barefoot waterskiing in in the Hiltons’

I should stop now…

Check out a bunch of Paris pics, for the Paris addict


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I am – Camel Toe Slide

When I lost my virginity at the age of 8 – I couldn’t get any play for 10 fucking years. The closest I got was the dry fuck, or what has been coined the camel toe slide. When I was getting it…it was really risky, cuz girls had bush and if you weren’t lined up in the groove you’d get a rash….

Check the third video here

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I am – The Guy on The Drew Carey Show

I remember watching the Drew Carey show, back when I was a fan of Roseanne. I could really appreciate blue collar – unhappy people …it represented my life…and still does, only now instead of working in the factory..i collect welfare.

Follow this link and you will see the guy from The Drew Carey Show Grabbing some Big Mimi Rogers’ titties…

Note: It may not be the guy from the Drew Carey Show, but I like to pretend I know what I am talking about…


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I am – Drunken Stepfather Affiliate

I think you should buy yourself a bottle of Pherlure – It will get you laid. I used it and secured an orgy… but if you can’t hook that up …don’t say I promised anything. Immigration is already on my ass…and you know how it is….


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I am – Flushing you while I Fuck you

This is a clip I was told about a long time ago. I had this perverted friend we called Uno. He told me he loved Rocco and all Rocco Porn, he told me his favorite scene was when Rocco is banging a girl and gives her a royal flush…this is when you stick someone’s head in the toilet and flush….

I never saw the clip until wtfpeople.com posted it.

I hate porn – you unrefined perverts…

Rocco Flush – Here

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