I'll Make You Famous…




I am – World Aids Day

Aids scares the fuck out of me and that is why i only have unprotected anal sex with people I know for more than a few hours.

I think finding a cure is a good cause.
I think it would make everyone’s life a lot better.
I don’t think Aids is the best population control.
I think abortions are…
So government officials who are sitting on the cure, until it’s economically feasible to release it to the public,
give it up already….

If I was rich I would support
I know I have no readers….
But I will post this here anyway:


I don’t think this is really a cure, but find the antidote here

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I am – Stalking Lindsay Lohan

I was trying to find a celeb angle for my blog, I was going to focus on the standard teenage celebs who are really bad, do a lot of coke, fuck a lot and dance on tables at clubs.

I was going to continue my investigation into Lindsay Lohan, not because I think she is hot, but because she is insane and had a drug overdose, masked it in “burnout” and continue to do a massive PR move to clean her image.

I was thinking that since she is friends with Bijoux Philips we can just focus on celebrity cokeheads, but that doesn’t narrow down shit, since they are all on coke….

Anyway – I think I will stick with Lohan for now and will throw in some other party sluts…as time goes on. Remember the C-List celebrities are much more accessible and way easier to stalk….

I was on thesuperficial, and with his detective work found pictures of Lohan with her friends…smoking pot in the backseat of the car. This is why digital cameras and a friend who is jealous of all the attention you are getting comes into play.

This to me was the sign that Lohan was the one to stalk….

Check out the pictures here , it is her friend’s picturetrail account.

Update: The link is dead, but I saved all the pictures before they took it down. I learnt my lesseon with Tara Reid’s sister’s Friendster account.

Stereogum said it right, “The Internet Never Forgets”, Their backup here

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I am – The Messiah

Today’s Gospel is : “Spam can turn you on, so stop blocking your Spam”

This is Why

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I am – Google Images

Sperm is today’s word….

Japanese Sperm

Sperm Bank

Lovely Couple

Man With A Can


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I am – Internet Mudflap

From the beautiful people at Get Waisted

Check it out for yourself if you don’t believe that a HIGH PROFILE blog would write a blurb on the drunken stepfather….

Jesus Martinez – The Fresh Maker
Jesus Martinez is a ex-mexican national who escaped mexico to work in the booming california service industry. After living a life of oppression in the mexican mainland, Jesus moved to california to clean toilets for tech millionaires in Palo Alto, Ca. Bored with the lameness of where he lived and an exhorbitant blue collar salary, Jesus developed a drinking problem. He met a mexican women who had 3 children, Alejandro, Manuel & Rodrigo. He married her and became…DrunkenStepfather. From the confines of house arrest, Jesus works day and night on his Blog to bring us celebrity gossip and insightful commentary on life as a railroad man. He is the bringer of all that is dirrty…kinda like an internet mudflap!

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I am – Vaginal Reduction Surgery

I sent this link around the office about 2-3 months ago…
It’s before and after shots of vaginal reduction surgery
I have always been a fan of the coinslot
I have always been intimidated by the floppy ones, the beefy ones..
does that make me gay – or does that make me a pedophile?
I have be battling this for many years…

These links were on Fleshbot
And brought back memories of the day my co-workers knew i was a pervert

Pics 1 of vaginalplasty

Pics 2 of labiaplasty

I couldn’t tell you the difference between operations and I don’t care all that much…as i get older I realize that any poon is good poon…

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I am – Jessica Simpson

And I want to eat your babies:


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I am – Tea Baggin’

Sheryl Crow is dating a biker
Not a cool drug dealing kind of biker who fucks hookers..

A fruity biker in fruity bicycle shorts biker.
The biker is Lance Armstrong
Lance is good and wins a lot
Lance has one testicle

Picture Here

Lance and Sheryl make fuck
Sheryl plays with his one testicle, I know, because I get invited to watch sometimes.
I want to know if he has a prosthesis
They do exist

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I am – Tea Baggin'

Sheryl Crow is dating a biker
Not a cool drug dealing kind of biker who fucks hookers..

A fruity biker in fruity bicycle shorts biker.
The biker is Lance Armstrong
Lance is good and wins a lot
Lance has one testicle

Picture Here

Lance and Sheryl make fuck
Sheryl plays with his one testicle, I know, because I get invited to watch sometimes.
I want to know if he has a prosthesis
They do exist

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I am – Homicidal Honor Student

This is a weird story I found on WTFPeople.com

Girl Gets her boyfriends to kill her mother because her mother calls her fat or something like that….

Story Here

Police Report Here

The girl’s blog here

She shops at Hot Topic, She listen s to Incubus, She eat’s at Denny’s. She would have been better off killing herself….

Oh more reason as to why she should kill herself:

“Afterward though I went to Betsy’s and played Dongeons and Dragons until 3:30am which totally kicked ass. I have a new character who has awesome stats, though I had to be a wizard which kinda sucks. It’s funny becaus she’s really petite, like 5ft and weights 96 pounds and has a sweet and innocent voice, but has a lot of piercings”

I find people who kill other people really creepy, I guess that is a given… but I don’t understand it and it really bothers me a lot…

That’s all I have to say on that.

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