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Search Results




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Well its been a hell of a week that’s for sure. Today was a huge pain the ass for Nell and I. I still haven’t sorted out the photo thing quite yet, so sit tight, I know the fucking adds and all the bullshit is annoying. Jesus is out trying to get erections from chinese […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I went out with some of my guy friends last night to celebrate one of thier birthdays. One of them is also getting married so the night turned into the 3 of them complaining about getting older and loosing their freedom, while i went around slutting it up with various guys I met and drinking […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I am result 99 in Google for the search term “black girl” shitting, I don’t think that means I’ve made it but it’s still a fucking accomplishment. I am also result number 19 for girlfriend fucking the dog and even though I wonder what kind of sick fuck looks up that kind of shit, I’m […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Vote For Me…. Some of you know that I am in Montreal and I get no respect here either. There is a local paper called the Mirror and they do a Best of Montreal Poll. They have a category for best local blog and I feel like I should win it. To be counted you […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Some chick, or at least someone I assume has a vagina wrote this email to me – her name is Cindy and it’s some Myspace celebrity scoop…. On Hailey Duffs Myspace she posted a blog bashing Kim Kardashian, saying: “Stuff like this REALLY PISSES ME OFF. I try to reach out and be nice and […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I started a forum because that’s what someone told me to do and I always do what I am told. That someone also went to the trouble of setting it up and making all the forums for me. I expect all you fuckers to sign-up and participate because it took him a lot of time. […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

My computer fell on the ground today and almost ended my internet career. I was pretty pissed off because I have yet to seduce a woman on the internet like most people I know have. I don’t know what is stopping me, maybe it’s my impotency, maybe it’s my wife, but it’s probably because I […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

Here’s the kind of emails I get because my site is so fucking classy…. Dear drunkenstepfather.com, I’m emailing you today to request a link exchange between our website and yours. I found your website http://www.drunkenstepfather.com by searching Google for “Genital Warts”. I think our websites have a similar theme to your’s, so I am interested […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I watched a Canadian made for TV movie about some Mormon cult or Children of God cult starring the mom from the O.C. It was about polygamy being the path to god and 60 year old dudes were marrying 12 year olds. That’s when I stopped watching but I got to thinking that if the […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I felt like shit all day, like serious shit, like I am dying and shit but it was nice being the first person with the Margolis pics, thanks again Rob, now my site is running like shit and I am not making any more money than I would have if the regular 10 people were […]