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stepLINKS of the Day

You can’t suppres the vote…LOL…. Remember to stop being so scared people…start living people…don’t fear your neighbor because the internet tells you to…haven’t you seen every apocalypse movie ever? Didn’t you learn anything…we’ve seen the movie…get a fucking clue already….and I am not even talking about what is to come, I am talking about what […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Hi, I’m drunkenstepfather and no one gives a shit about what I have to say…..I wish other people felt that people didn’t give a shit about what they had to say, and stayed of social media like me….save it for the BOTS…no one cares… These people are the fucking worst, the self absorbed narcissists who […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Pride is a joke….I think beyond being fucking annoying and everywhere we look…it’s also in poor taste, pandering, disgusting….obviously a corporate marketing hustle that marginalizes or monetizes off people’s sexual preference…which is pretty twisted…but people buy into it and go along with it…because we are at that level of the CONSUMER generation…waiting around for brands […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t think I’m a bright person, I actually think I am half retarded 99 percent of the time, either because of a stroke, alcoholism, illicit drugs, distracted by tits…. So it amazes me that everyone else around me seem even dumber…does that make me hyper intelligent because everyone else seems so fucking dumb…or am […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know the world is twisted because I have been presented as the villain of the internet…at least over the years…to the people who have been written about on the site… This means that big tech like Google and Facebook and even Tom at Myspace didn’t like what I was doing, discounted me as porn, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

What’s the vaccine do to your balls? Does it turn your balls into ovaries, do you have to change your pronoun in your email signature and IG bio and YELL at anyone who MISGENDERS you…even if they are just bagging your groceries after a stint in prison…. I hope we can all agree that pronouns […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am not going to bitch about the vaccinated people or the people flocking to get vaccinated even though I don’t understand it…we should all get along regardless of that shit….. Yes, I am the do-gooder bringing us together under good not evil…the unexpected hero…even though I’ve been a low level, unsuccessful pornographer for 20 […]




stepLINKS of the Day

People are zombies, repeating bullshit, incapable of original thought or analysis Critical Thinking….think for yourself….don’t let people trick you into thinking your thinking is wrong….the wrong thinking is doubting yourself when you know you’re right…but they keep pressuring you to think like them…. I like to believe that people aren’t as dumb as they appear […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Have you watched late night TV recently? We’re pretty fucking doomed….obviously…but it’s worse than I thought….. YouTube forced me to watch a Jimmy Kimmel interview with the My Pillow guy and I sure as hope people aren’t listening to that piece of garbage dancing monkey loser…Kimmel, not the My Pillow Guy…the My Pillow Guy is […]




stepLINKS of the Day

May the 3rd be with you…..Just practicing for nerds tomorrow… I saw Bill Gates and Manlinda Gates are getting divorced….fighting over vaccines, or killing the world off, is what I assume…conspiracies aside he’s probably the worst OCD nerd to be around…his Netflix PR scam documentary didn’t fool me…I was like “why don they want us […]