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stepLINKS of the Day

This goes out to all you 5G protesting motherfuckers…don’t let them control your mind with high frequency cellular data…. I’m going to go watch the suicide warnings on all the movies featuring suicide so that I know the fucking storyline before I watch the damn movie but more importantly, I know that if I want […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

When you turn your phone off, the world of politics, MeToo, BlackLivesMatter, Pandemics, all of a sudden turn the fuck off….because at our core…we are selfish assholes who don’t give a fuck about each other and only give a fuck about our immediate…and when the immediate isn’t things that trigger us, or make us mad, […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I find these under 25 year olds who are into orgies, swinging, cuckolding, S&M, anal insane…. Not that I wasn’t banging my high school girlfriend up the ass in the 80s, but it was just different then…because it wasn’t as public….or a channel on youtube / reddit / instagram / etc….. These young people are […]




stepLINKS of the Day

So what’s new in racism today? I am more interested in documenting girls being sluts on the internet in all forms, because girls love being sluts on the internet…it’s cool to be a sex worker, they’re not even whores anymore….sex workers…so professional….and I am sure they all feel so in control of the pussy men […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The devil is working hard, not that I believe in religion, but I do believe that evil lives within all humans and without a moral code, raised on the internet, by shitty parents, we are approaching some weird fucking times…not because of that covid shit, but because being a whore is cool. The moth being […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know it can be rough for a lonely and single INCEL fuck like yourselves. But that doesn’t mean do anything stupid due to your anger that you can’t get pussy. What it does mean is to watch out for the sex workers on Valentine’s Day. They are on the prowl, looking for suckers who […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I am going to start a film studio for all the men in the film industry accused of sexual misconduct to continue doing what they do – in a safe space not scared of cancel culture cuz sluts are sluts and can’t take down an industry when they decide they aren’t sluts… Then I remember […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have been watching Hallmark or variations of Hallmark Christmas movies the entire day and I haven’t killed myself yet…the current one is called Christmas Joy…about a fat girl… Bad actors are hilarious, they say with confidence that they are actors…but I’m watching you here and NO YOU FUCKING AREN’T…what is their head injury that […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I think I understand why people look at me in disgust when I am in public places… It used to be because I was on the phone talking to friends about vile sexual things they did with the girl they met / hired at the bar at the end of the previous night…asking detailed question […]




Sarah Hyland Stomach Scars of the Day

Sarah Hyland the NICOTINE ADDICT and her stomach scars went to the gym….because Nicotine is a Nootropic that helps in performance…especially when you have had a double Kidney transplant due to some secret disease that is clearly a major disease as most people don’t get two free Kidneys to live…oh the celebrity life…getting you the […]