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stepLINKS of the Day

Holidays are better spent drunk…but I guess you could say that about anything…I am just amazed I bothered posting today as the site is clearly slipping into the fucking sea and while I have better things to do like cry myself to sleep knowing I accomplished nothing this year…and that this new year coming is […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know what’s going on, but I drank hard saturday night and my stomach has been destroyed ever since. I can assume it is stomach cancer, failed liver or gallbladder,lactose intolerance, or wearing underwear that is too tight for me…and I know you don’t give a shit about my problems….So Don’t FOLLOW ME….and if […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am glad it was the July 4th weekend because I was actually planning on posting on the site but one thing lead to another and next thing you know I’m running away from some slut who caught me taking pics of her tanning in the park…and I’m not much of a runner, especially in […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I realize I am not very interesting, I’m not really feeling this whole internet thing, but maybe these links are…at least that’s what I’m hoping, cuz otherwise I wouldn’t be posting them, you idiots….. Aubrey O’Day is a Drity Whore GO JLove Thinks Every Woman Should “Vagazzle” Her Snatch GO Find Sluts Here GO Heidi […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This is the best joke I’ve heard all day: this guy walks into a bar.. sits next to another guy. Some good conversation and a couple drinks later the guy says “I could fuck any girl in here” the other guy says, “thats pretty ambitious, what makes you think that?” The guy says “because I’m […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here are my stepLINKS. I’ve decided I am deathly allergic to UV, all foods, alcohol and water. I’m am not a doctor but it is the only prognosis that makes sense. I figure that I won’t make it thru the night, but if I do, I’ll be back…if this is my last post, use it […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I guess I should take the next 5 days off, since you motherfuckers are…but I have a feeling I won’t because I start going crazy when I don’t post, not because I am a busy body who likes getting shit done, but because when I stop posting, that’s when the voices start… I”m just fucking […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Guess what…here are my links. I thought maybe I should write more interesting stuff about my afternoon and night but there’s nothing interesting to say. From seeing a dirty old man get a boner asking a busty teen what her dog’s name is, to doing shots with someone who must have been 15 who snuck […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I feel like a serious crackhead when the sun is rising and I am still drinking. Actually I don’t. I am just confused how to type right now, the girl who demonstrated anal sex to me wasn’t much of a help… Here are my stepLINKS…. Because It’s Not Quite Friday Yet GO There Are The […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In trying to push the boundaries of creepy on the internet – this is my new facebook message I sent to girls I don’t know. It makes me laugh. Let’s see if it gets me a date: we should go on a date when your boyfriend mysteriously “disappears” next week Love Jesus Martinez Drunkenstepfather.com In […]