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stepLINKS of the Day

I am at the age where hot mothers and hot daughters exist and together they walk down the road together in their modern fashions of the times with their asses out in tight pants, seeing the contour of the vagina that made the other vagina I am staring at at the same time…. I don’t […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was just given hope in society because two slutty teen girls, one in mini skirt and the other is shorts with her ass hanging out of them, both looking like they were trying to get pregnant or at least like they were defying their parents being bad girls thanks to the influences of social […]




stepLINKS of the Day

When I see how much money people have made over the last 20 years producing porn, I feel like a real idiot because I have basically been called a porn site for the last 20 years, not getting any ads from the mainstream, definitely not getting rich, yet some asshole dude is making 100k a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Whenever I see a retard working the cash at a grocery store, I think to myself, that guy is probably an onlyfans customer. You know there is no way that his entire paycheck doesn’t go directly into the pocket of some whore manipulating him, and I feel bad about that….sure, lots of money can be […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The grocery store, which is my only social interaction in the world, is a place where I learn so much. Like that not all asian women at the grocery store work at the rub and tug…no matter how many times you ask, they’ll likely be offended and cry Asian hate, which can get you life […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Did you know that 32,050 sites are bigger than DrunkenStepfather in the world and 12,213 are bigger than DrunkenStepfather in the USA. That fucking sucks, because as far as I’m concerned WE ARE NUMBER 1…. The real shocker is that 1 reader per day makes you the 12,214th biggest site in AMERICA…. The REAL REAL […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I know that some of you are into the female version of a dick…but probably lack the access to the female version of a dick….which is why I think we should start a non-profit for the desperate and lonely to experience a real life female version of a dick…rather than paying all these ONLYFANS girls […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I hope you’re jerking off to your Christmas Shopping experiences…because tis the fucking season to stare at gross bitches when they are shopping for bullshit they don’t need motherfuckers….unless you’re an online shopper…where you are likely also jerking off to your Christmas Shopping experience because your ADHD keeps one tab of gay porn you like […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s Thanksgiving get eating, not clicking, eating motherfuckers…not clicking motherfuckers….. So get off the fucking computer and stuff your face or your sister when she’s asleep from all the Turkey she’s eaten now that she’s no longer a vegan….Tryptophan the original roofies….. Watch some movies, football, maybe even have a useless conversation…. They say TOUCH […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Sometimes I wonder if I am outdated because I am old and out of touch, if my technology is old and out of touch, or if it’s because everyone’s turned into a porn chick and aren’t repulsed by porn chicks, like they were supposed to be. I’ve been doing this a long time and I […]