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stepLINKS of the Day

The masturbating wheelchair bound old lady in the park is always fun to watch but rarely fun to listen to, her screams in what sounds like some sort of pain and that shit fucking haunts me… She clearly has some sort of dementia or retardation that gets in the way of her understanding that her […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I realize that I’m an old expired fuck. I know that the best days are behind me. I know that the hot pussy doesn’t even want to upset their father’s by bringing me home for family dinner because I am older than their dad…. But I am still totally shocked when I find myself checking […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I used to see ketchup packages on the side of the road, strays from a take out order gone-by, as an opportunity to make some homeless man soup… Now I see it as a transgender man, living life as a woman’s, transgender period…. Here are some stepLINKS…. 17 Items From Bri Teresi’s Amazon Wishlist! LICK […]




Fishnet Friday on a Thursday of the Day

I just posted a Miley Cyrus in fishnets post, realizing that I didn’t do my FISHNET FRIDAY last week, which isn’t fair to the FISHNET fetishists out there. Plus, FISHNETS are for everyday not just FRIDAYS, because girls are whores EVERYDAY not on FRIDAYS…they are accessible and exciting and not just for fat blue haired […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s nice to see that the people are starting to speak up about the insanity that they’ve normalized… Whether it’s drag queen shit, child trans shit, and all the brands that we support or consume hoping on the trend to appease a smaller percentage of freaks on the internet who whine about the injustices they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I didn’t do the stepLINKS for the last week because it’s abusive and I don’t like putting myself through that shit, can’t the decline into obscurity be laid back and not LINK FILLED…. Well, I decided to bring some stepLINKS today, because what the fuck else am I going to do with myself, plus I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I didn’t do the links this week because I had a broken computer and no back-up computer because we aren’t that kind of website with resources and shit…. I did really like life substantially better without doing the links and it will likely be the future of this site….because at a certain point you gotta […]




I am – stepLINKS of the Day

It’s CINCO DE MAYO, Get Drunk….you racist fucks… You know all the fat white college educated twitter fucks who cry racism and down with cops and protesting black lives and having drag queen storytime….with no genders, because they are unfuckable and don’t need genders, with no sexuality because they’ll fuck anything….all labelling and categorizing everyone […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The solar flair destined to take out humanity hasn’t happened yet, but the website was down for a solid 30 minutes today and I thought it was a targeted attack….a cyber attack…a fucking end of civilization attack…..because we all know the final collapse of society will start with DrunkenStepfather and arguably did start with DrunkenStepfather […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Are you ready for St Patrick’s day, do you have your four-leaf clover green butt plug in, or is it just green from your lack of washing it as you’re ashamed that as a man you use a butt plug….modern times call for modern homosexual measures….what was once gay bashed or closeted is now accepted […]