When you suggest doing very vile things to either yourself or with a girl who you are sexting – and you go too far – thanks to being a depraved weirdo with sexual issues thanks to growing up perverted in a world that wasn’t perverted before the world becoming perverted and you needing to step […]
Search Results
stepLINKS of the Day
Negotiating with a girl’s boyfriend in front of the girlfriend to sell you their sex tapes is a dying art form….because all this shit is just available for free…and everyone seems to be in open relationships and into you seeing their girls’ pussy, or them fucking their girl..which would be weird..if it wasn’t so awesome…. […]
Morning Hangover Dump of the Day
Thanks to the facebook reminders – on this day 2 years ago – I was let out of facebook quarantine for making some joke that someone found offensive. I think I told someone I would rape them or that I wanted them to be raped and that word was a trigger for the fascists at […]
stepLINKS of the Day
I tell girls I want them to teach me how to slow dance… Then I tell them I love their big fat asses…cuz they remind me of two hot air balloons – colliding in the sky…before plummeting to the ground…and colliding into my face…so hard that I die..from their asses…. It doesn’t usually impress them, […]
stepLINKS of the Day
The highlight of my day besides being pretty much unemployed and staring at the wall all day – was figuring out how to save pictures girls send me on snapchat that are pre-shot – so that every time they message me back they see their gaping assholes….leading to them begging for me to delete or […]
stepLINKS of the Day
The older I get the bigger my big natural tit fetish gets – maybe it’s a closer you get to death the more you revert back to childhood situation where tits become your main fixation only now that I’m a grown obese man – to get the same effect as a baby and a tit […]
stepLINKS of the Day
The extreme cold does present some great opportunity for the pervert out there with nothing better to do that patrol the streets to help the female homeless and teen runaways…who are so desperate for a warm shower, bowl of soup and HEAT that they will pretty much do anything…from mud wrestling each other in your […]
stepLINKS of the Day
I decided to get out of bed today – I normally don’t – why would I – the world is a cold dark place filled with really gross fleshy humans that are all the same robot striving for the same nonsense – when I can just stay in bed….but today I got up and decided […]
stepLINKS of the Day
I love a mouthful of pubic hair when i am eating pussy… I love pugs I love telling girls I cry to Disney movies to seem vulnerable when really I’m predadory…up on the ROOOOFIE the ROOFER game… I love falling in love with skinny girls driving my me in their cars..them stopped at a stop […]