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stepLINKS of the Day

I am not political because I don’t care and I think everyone is an asshole, but I am pretty sure all the rich white people protesting Black Lives Matter like a bunch of racists, who apologize for being racists, while thinking they are not racists, singling out a group of people and appropriating their plight […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I forgot that I was hit up by some online legal team about a post I made in 2011 about some possibly Muslim shit. Normally they tell me I am defaming someone and that they will come at me if I don’t delete the post….but this time was different..this time they came at me with […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If you were a black man what Kardashian would you fuck…is probably the most useless Black Lives Matter protest sign you can carry… I guess you can only wonder if Bill Gates is responsible for George Floyd’s death, you know to get the heat off his COVID vaccines and Microchips… It’s funny that all these […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Will all this end the bro’s using black talk…because you know every white boy in his BMW or whatever car they drive….maybe it’s a fixed gear bicycle or an ebike….maybe it’s a G-Wagon you know to seem hip like a Kardashian/Jenner…regardless of where they blast their favorite rap songs from their spotify on…before meeting up […]




stepLINKS of the Day

All you motherfuckers are first to wear a mask on Halloween, to your KKK meetings (TRIGGERED), when hunting, or skiing, or ATVing, your gimp suit when you let your wife peg you…but when told to put a dinky cloth mask on to get groceries you have burst lungs, dizziness, CO2 poisoning, grow the fuck up […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It may be a little history repeating itself…protesting racism but the most interesting thing of it all is that just like that, COVID is no more….I guess keeping people locked up for 3 months with access to the internet is a recipe for disaster…take their jobs, their money, their freedoms and they’re primed to jump […]




stepLINKS of the Day

My new project that I am so excited to bring to you…and that is that I am launching my official podcast like everyone else…called Masturbating to old Celebrity Pictures…where we post up a pic and I try to masturbate to it….you can masturbate along with me if you want, which is gayer for you than […]




stepLINKS of the Day

While you all can’t pay hookers to pee on you like you normally do, and you’re not man enough to have anal sex from 6 feet away, unless you bust out the broom, like the homo you are…it’s probably already rigged…isn’t it….and as the people of facebook complain about injecting disinfectant. Something that would require […]




stepLINKS of the Day

How about those quarantine protestors…I saw these two pics and laughed… Only because I am a lazy broke ass motherfucker who looks at rich people like they are crazy for continuing to work…like relax motherfucker. I don’t understand the need to be productive….and I don’t think any of the people protesting are all that productive […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I don’t know why people are having a hard time with this chilling at home, if anything it should make people never want to commute again. I get that some people are totally alone and aren’t used to that, but fucking ride the voices in your head and the hallucinations as hard as you can, […]