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stepLINKS of the Day

It’s pretty funny that Hollywood has been basically replaced or at least controlled by an online book store I’d buy hard to find books on back in 2003 or 2004 when I guess I should have been buying Amazon stock instead…OOPS…how about crypto another win on my end….it’s pretty funny…what was the point of being […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I may find social media terrifying because it is a reminder that Humans are the fucking virus….and I may find TikTok hilarious because people are giving all this data to China to use against you down the road…and as you watch idiots scrolling through 15 second clips of idiots dancing badly for hours and hours […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Some homosexual laughed when my dog decided to take a shit on the sidewalk, so I said what any normal person would say to someone laughing at your dog for taking a shit, and that was – “I know it’s crazy to see an asshole used the way it was supposed to an not as […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Good thing no one reads this site….so they don’t hear me when I say don’t trust the internet and turn off the internet because it is just the internet….because if they did read the site they’d ignore my advice to turn off the internet because they’d want to come back for my witty and genius […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s international trans daylight savings time or some shit today….which should make you feel good about your micro penis, your inny not outtie, because you can finally embrace living a life as a man despite having what are arguably female genitals well before this trans thing became trendy….even though you’ve just always identified as a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am still traumatized by googling how tranny pussy, you know, inverted dicks, get wet…. As it turns out, despite the balls being removed, the wetness is precum from the prostate that they don’t get removed…. Nothing says woman like a prostate gland and a pussy wet from fucking pre-cum… Or in Thailand they build […]




stepLINKS of the Day

What is everyone on the internet mad about today? I know that there was some outrage about the drunk girls crying rape law being passed…which I would argue is an amazing law…because it holds people accountable for their actions. It’s not to say drunk girls can’t get raped anymore, or that you have a pass […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I don’t know if you’ve heard about some scandal around sneakers from some Miley produced rapper named Lil Nas X….because he made 666 pairs of satanic shoes with human blood in them to go with his satanic music video where he lap dances satan…..basically trolling people into being offended or believing the illuminati have programmed […]




stepLINKS of the Day

If you can game them, you might as well game them, the general public is so fucking stupid, you might as well take advantage of that….create that lie and build on it. After 16 years of DrunkenStepfather, calling out all the bullshit out there that is obvious, annoying, or ridiculous….has been the wrong fucking strategy… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I spent the better part of the weekend looking at breast augmentation before and after pics to brush up my skills on modern implant technologies to see how fake tits are being improved now that everyone is getting plastic surgery to live up to their instagrams….I didn’t learn much but that fake tits suck less […]