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I am – stepLINKS of the Day

I was talking to a pharmacist about AIDS and Herpes sores, you know carrying the love you once had with you like a viral tiktok George Strait song, not that I go on TikTok, that shit is SPYWARE and a TRAP bro, I mean all social media is……but that’s not the point is that I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t know enough about the new public health scare that is Monkey Pox to post homophobic, gays are heathens, the bible says those with the mark of the beast will develop terrible lesions, because the bible is homophobic… I don’t even care if only gay dudes, or men who have sex with men, which […]




stepLINKS of the Day

As much as people hate on the internet or social media, you gotta remember that there has never been a time with as many people with credit cards online, ready to be manipulated into giving up those credit cards, in exchange for a dopamine release..so much opportunity to get paid if you’re into that kind […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I was laying under some geo-engineered chemtrail clouds thinking to myself how exciting a manufactured climate crisis is, you know any day there could be a massive hail storm in the middle of summer, or some crazy flood to take us all out, and not once do I think of all the plastic straws I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

We’re obviously living in two or three timelines, where one timeline is fucking nuts and on a totally different planet than me, making no fucking sense in anything they say, usually about woke shit, inclusivity, gender, guns….with their crazy fucking eyes…..they’re obviously all medicated, miserable and watch too much TV to have such deep outrage… […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I saw that they were reading some of Johnny Depp’s text messages to his homies about his horrible cunt wife who was manipulating, abusing, taking advantage of his good intentions while spending his money like the Texas stripper trash she fucking is…. They are trying to hold it against him for saying something about drowning […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

It’s funny that people were such hypochondriacs that they were willing to get an experimental gene therapy, but they aren’t hypochondriac enough to blame the vaccine for any injury or issues they have since the vaccine, it’s almost like it gets into their brain and makes them full retard, because I know if I had […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s be so fucking lame to be famous in this era of Hollywood being the back alley abortion version of what it used to be. It was glamourous, aspirational, exciting, exclusive, limited….and now they’re holding on by a thread, still clearly in charge of the content, still rocking that tight GRIP on all our simple […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I got stuck in a waiting room next to a nerd in snow pants and a mask….who would have been better if he was a big titty stripper in a mini skirt….but I’m not that fortunate…I’m not fortunate at all… But yeah, waiting room with no pussy, the pussy-less waiting room, a waiting room not […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

Not doing the nightly links this week has been the best experience of my life….FUCK the stepLINKS of the day…if anyone out there wants to do them for me in 2022 so I can find better things to do with my time…like stare at the wall harder, with more time to think on things to […]