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stepLINKS of the Day

I don’t talk to vaccianated people because they are compromised, that shit is clearly in the brains and telling them what to do, because they all use the same half moron logic in all this…as they sit their on their knees begging for the people who make the rules to throat fucking them until they […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Have you ever met a girl who doesn’t refer to her pussy as tight…I haven’t… It’s like EVERY single girl is convinced that her pussy is tight, or they are just laying, because they know a “let me lose your micro cock in my massive cunt” is not the hottest sentence every sexted… I guess […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I have been seeing a few Ivermectin haters out there today, I guess because people are mad that an NFL player lied about his vax status, like probably 90 percent of people you think have the shot…and that he treated himself with ivermectin, at least I assume that’s the story, because I have ben seeing […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Not to talk about COVID – because COVID is fucking boring but it’s just so insane and around us everywhere from the masks where you can’t smile at a bitch….or SNIFF her romantically as you do when bending down next to them in the grocery store cuz all you smell is your rotting mouth….. But […]




stepLINKS of the Day

One of the dumbest people I know has been defending vaccine passports on her social media incessantly and she’s not even posting titty pics when she’s doing it…I mean if you want dudes to give up their rights….and check in for everything….at least blind us with the titties when you do…don’t you know anything about […]




stepLINKS of the Day

And that’s a fucking wrap….at least for the weekend, unless I choose to not come back on Monday…by force or by personal choice….Only time will tell. I realize that no one actually cares about any of this, they are onto other shit, they just know what they’re told and that’s good enough, let’s get back […]




stepLINKS of the Day

There’s a lot of bullshit going on in the world, that’s OK, we don’t need to pay attention to it or let it get in the way of fun…because to kill ourselves would be far less interesting that to watch it all go down….and potentially implode…. I guess they’re succeeding in making the vaccinated hate […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s all about perspective I guess. I rant on a whole lot of insane shit that’s been going on in the world, that people probably don’t really agree with or like poking fun at, and I realize that none of any of this fucking matters…it’s just the internet…even if it trickle’s into everyday life…fuck the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It’s summer, so I decided it’s going to be a me day since I don’t make money off this site, what’s the fucking point of wasting my time updating it, it’s not really that fun to spend my days documenting this bullshit, what is fun…is looking at sluts… It’s hot out, so I figured there […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The real question is whether you’ve succumbed to your abuser like a groomed girl you have locked in your basement, or are you actually mad that there’s evidence that your election was rigged, that votes were counted twice, because it’s not about the vote, it’s about who counts them….wouldn’t that be cause for concern? Something […]