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stepLINKS of the Day

The January Jones titty fans don’t like me writing ABOUT HOW UNEVENTFUL JANUARY JONES TITS ARE , tits that are celebrated, that have helped make her famous, and that make her a working single mother rather than just another statistic…. You didn’t know that everyone’s breasts are asymmetrical? Why single her out for that? I’m […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This post is dedicated to all the ladies….because I am a romantic…You know who you are….Remember, I love all of you equally… I’m sorry I broke all your hearts… Now sit on my face….I promise I’ll sing love songs while you do it. Here are some links…. I wanna Explore Candice Swanepoel GO Some Vanessa […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I had something to say, but I decided to keep it to myself, cuz some things are private, and better kept all for myself in my little private box of thoughts…… I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about, I just know my facebook status updates fucking exhaust me I’m gonna go watch hot […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Telling a girl you need her to send you pussy pics on FB cuz you’ve been spending the last hour jerking off to her profile pic is not a good way to get pussy pics…or make friends…if you’re dumb enough to do it to a co-worker or your friend’s wife….but it is still worth a […]




stepLINKS of the Day

No, I don’t care that Ashton Kutcher and Demi are getting a divorce , that’s the kind of gossip for People Magazine…I’m far more into making my own gossip, like trying to get PR chicks to agree to take a bath with me in exchange for a post, getting girls to email me nude pics […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Who cares what I have to say….or what I’m doing…what you should care about is the stepLINKS….so here they are….far more interesting that any of my shit…especially on the weekend when I have less than one reader….since the reader I normally have has shit to do…far more interesting that this shit to do…but don’t get […]




stepLINKS of the Day

In case you haven’t heard…the stepLINKS changes lives…I’m not sure if they change lives in a good way, or in a bad way, but I’m assuming they don’t change lives at all, because I’m gonna assume no one reads the site, that’s why it’s so depressing around here… Did Nicole Richie Get Implants – Bikini […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Not sure if you heard, but there was an earthquake and Tsunami in Japan. I think it may have been set off as a distraction from Charlie Sheen…or maybe from the oil trying to kill the electrical while distracting from their wars in Arab countries….and the whole thing makes me want to watch Japanese puke […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Is Spring Break still happening? Everyday is Spring Break for me, I mean without the wet t-shirt contest, but with the wet boxer contest that I’m usually the only contestant in…. The high light of the day was that I applied to be Charlie Sheen’s intern. I’m pretty sure I won’t get it cuz I […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I haven’t fucked a girl from the internet since I used to write offensive shit on local forums in the late 90s. I always hated the awkwardness of meeting these socially awkward pigs, but I do know that since then, hot pussy has hit the internet, but I’ve been married and I don’t like paper […]