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Lottie Moss Nipples of the Day

The nice thing about having Kate Moss as your sister is that it allows you exist as your own person…. You don’t need to be hot or jump through the same hoops her sister did – and really it’s not even her full sister – half sister that is the right half because it gave […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I told a woman I know with a bunch of kids that I’ve been thinking about the space where her asshole meets her pussy – at least once today…..to which she responded ….”I’ve had kids, what makes you think I have that spot on my body”….to which I said…”that’s why I was thinking about it”….to […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I assume people care about the debate tonight, even Canadians, who find the whole thing fun and exciting…because Canadians are pathetic…and I assume all these feminist, left, social justice warriors are having debate parties all over the city…getting drunk and running their mouths like they know what’s up…or how the world works…and you know what […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The highlight of my day was walking behind some 30 year old chick in spandex pants who kept compulsively picking her underwear out of her ass. At first it was subtle…and she seemed nervous or uncertain about it…but then it got more and more intense…like she was alone despite being on a busy street and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Telling a woman crying on a park bench about her husband who died unexpectedly from a head injury….that there’s not scientific proof that her saying “I still see him bringing me my morning coffee”….or “I still see him out back working in the yard”….or “I still see him on our wedding day, the birth of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like telling girls who don’t fuck me that I call the hookers I pay to fuck me hookers…but I also call them by the name of the girls who don’t fuck me….to make it feel more real…then I tell them that I just came to what I wrote….because I like making everyone feel uncomfortable…especially […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Here we are…. Another Monday over, the days of your life passing you like sand in the hourglass, each day over, never to be had again. One less Monday in this story of our life…one less Monday closer to death… But at least I saw a girl with big tits riding her bike over speed […]




Nina Dobrev Bikinis of the Day

Nina Dorbev is fed up of staying indoors, so she’s gone out to her backyard in a bikini to pretend she’s in CABO…because she’s doesn’t really understand struggle, which is funny, considering she’s from some Communist country and her parents were likely raised in those communist struggles, before moving her to Canada to steal our […]




stepLINKS of the Day

It is the weekend people…and that means you’ll hide out in your shitty apartment and not interact with any humans – except maybe the delivery guy – assuming you can afford to order pizza and even he’s just their for the tip…cuz you’re sad… Don’t forget that real sexual assault is all those girls in […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

I just woke up passed noon on a weekday – which is a reminder that despite sucking at life, I can still be a far lazier fuck than you with no consequences and that is a nice thing, especially with sleep apnea, diabetes and no job… I call this living the best life… Here are […]