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Archive for the Christina Milian Category




Christina Milian Posts Some Lingerie Smut of the Day

Christina Milian understands the basics of marketing, because even at 50 years old she is still posting smut on her social media channels for likes and follows.

The Disney kid turned slut in her DIP IT LOW music video people used to jerk off to before they had access to porn at the level they have access to porn they have today.

Yes, tell your grandkids stories of how you used to jerk off to MTV before they send you away to the home or arrest you, pervert.

So she’s been consistently slutty, even after marrying and getting paid out by her very rich music producer, so it’s not about the money for her, it’s about how many vats of semen she can accumulate from men she doesn’t know. It’s a hobby.

She isn’t on ONLYFANS, she is now European, but has returned to your life in the new DEXTER show, where she plays a younger version of one of their characters despite being in her 50s, having not worked over the course of her life, she’s managed to keep that youthful perk to her tits.

No idea when these pics are from, but she posted them on her FB page, yes, some of us use FB still. Add me as a friend.

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian Posing with Produce of the Day

I don’t know about you, but every time I am in the grocery store and a see a woman buying a dick shaped item, I assume that they are going home to fuck it.

There’s just too many perverted women out there who crave to be filled to fill their emptiness or trauma, that the cucumber or banana isn’t being doubled as a sex toy….even if they have sex toys…even if they have husbands or dudes they hook up with on the regular…because that’s just how fucking sick these women are.

So there is a 90 percent chance Christina Millian and her childhood trauma went home to fuck this cucumber, just to see if she could, knowing she’s had 2 kids and definitely can….

There were bigger ones, so you know she got an appropriate size to fuck, you know JUST IN CASE things get wild in her rich person life…

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian is a Bikini Model of the Day

Christina Milian lives in France or some shit and is celebrating the 20th anniversary of her debut album that took her from Disney Kid to masturbation material on music videos in an era you could still jerk off to music videos, however, I think the Dip it Low song came out before 2004, since we had the internet in 2004 and jerking off to music videos seems like it would have been outdated by then…I COULD google it but why…

The weathered, but still decent looking for a mom in her mid-40s is currently promoting some collaboration collection with a brand called OCEANUS, where she’s produced or participated in a racist shoot with her posing next to bananas….that still have their sticker on them.,…making this fruit cart feel like a fucking lie….and something they just wanted to pull off because they like seeing people of Milian’s skin tone next to bananas and that’s VERY problematic.

Where is the twitter mob that calls everything racist to protest this blatant racism….

Or maybe…it’s not racist at all and thinking it is is RACIST….

So confusing, which is why I stick to staring at the tits…

Posted in:Christina Milian




Old Lady Christina Milian is in Dubai in a Bikini of the Day

Christina Milian stripped down to a bikini in Dubai like some sort of heathen, because Dubai is supposed to be the land of the BURKINI but these rich westerners just taint that tradition with their godless exhibitionism.

Most of us old fucks only know about Milian because she had a slutty video back when she was transitioning from Disney child star to pop icon who became more of a one-hit wonder, but who was hot enough to bed one of the more successful music producers, which meant getting her name on some pretty important pop songs that still pay her fat money.

The good news is that her fat money is not making her fat, but rather the opposite, because she’s probably vain and eating well and doing fitness so that she can keep the dream alive as long as she can and I don’t mean her baby daddy The Dream, but i do mean the dream of being a hot body perverts still jerk off to despite her being the mom of a teen.

I’m into it.

Her new husband may look like a trailer park meth addict trying to get you to give him money, all scabby and shit, but he’s likely just European.

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian Green Bikini of the Day

WHAT IS THAT OVER THERE? LOOK….it’s an old as fuck mom of two posing by the rocks like she’s a young hot influencer because in her delusional rich person brain, she is still that 20 year old hot chick with the one hit wonder for a music video where she was half naked and fucking the ground….

When it comes to influencer content, I always feel bad for the non-influencers just trying to mind their own business, until a cunt like this comes into their vacation space and pulls off a lame ass iphone photoshoot with no fucking respect to that fact that some of us hate this influencer shit, it’s fucking gay….

NOT TO MENTION, this is post photoshop, the real deal version is probably even MORE embarrassing that this shit..


Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian Pussy Print of the Day

Christina Milian, Disney Kid, turned DIP IT LOW jerk off material in music video format, turned baby momma to big music producer who got her name on some legit huge songs that I am sure pay her stupid money, including but not limited to Baby by Justin Bieber, so that she can go through life.

She is now with a new baby daddy, that’s how things work when you’re loose in the hips and in her spare time, when she’s not RAISING HER KIDS, she can be a 40 something instagram thot who puts her pussy print in some one piece outfit on the internet.,,

She’s already rich, she’s got nothing to really lose, you can’t cancel someone with a ton of fucking money and clearly what’s important for her ego is to be jerked off to.

She clearly ego wants to be an ONLYFANS chick, or as close to an OnlyFans chicks and as she can and she knows she won’t be losing out on too much mainstream work, since she hardly does any of that, but this is as close as she’ll get to an INSERTION or SQUIRT video for now.

The point is, mom pussy in one piece outfit, spread legged for social media, interesting when not age appropriate at all…


Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian Wet of the Day

I guess at Christina Milian’s old ass age, the only way she gets wet is when you throw the bitch in the water!


I got jokes!


Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian’s Got Dick Neck of the Day

I don’t know who the dude pressing his cock against Christina Milian’s neck is, but it’s probably something she’s into because it doesn’t involve the same amount of effort of when she traditionally has dick neck, I think they call it throating, or sloppy top, or what she does when she’s not trying to get pregnant.

The rich as fuck, Disney Kid turned slutty one-hit wonder with a slutty music video, is living her influencer life on th beach somewhere in a one piece, and despite being in her 40s, she’s looking pretty good.

Sure, there’s nothing interesting, compelling or exciting about her, but as a mom of two who runs some instagram businesses, and who collects checks as a song writer on hit songs, the fact that she’s able to make time for slutty pics for attention is interesting enough, since we’re here for the tits…and when they are moms, it’s more fun because we can judge them as parents while doing it.

“Oh she has two kids you never see, maybe she keeps them off the social media as I would if I was a parent, or maybe they are with the nanny while she gets her neck fucked the wrong way, shocking”.

Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian Bra of the Day

Christina Milian is rocking some gel curled hair doing what we’ll assume is her best Kenny G impression, or maybe 80s Jheri Curl, because the late 80s are back, and Milian, who was probably around 20 years old in the late 80s, knows all about a tight curl.

I guess, that is leaving the door open for me to be called a racist, since Milian is black and black ladies are so sensitive about their hair.

I remember when Halsey, who is also black, despite being white as shit, stayed at a hotel and made a huge scene about how they don’t have black hair product.

Then there’s Jada Pinket and her baldness that they say is an auto-immune disease, not Money Pox, but probably caused from gay sex, either direct or indirect through big Willy…..

Basically, black ladies are emotional about their hair…but that’s not what this Milian post is about, she’s hardly black enough to take seriously, as far as I’m concerned she’s Sicilian and if she cries about her black hair being called a Jheri Curl throwback to her glory days since she’s old.

This is more a reminder that despite being old, despite being rich, despite having fat child support checks sent her way for the first kid, despite having social media success with brand partners, and her own hustle….she’s still wanting you to se 90 percent of her tits, just not the nipple, since that would be shameless.

It’s like the Disney Team who created her really made her believe people will only notice here for her tits. Good job, because that is very much accurate.


Posted in:Christina Milian




Christina Milian Pussy Print of the Day

Christina Milian Dollars is out here are 300 years old, all filtered and smooth so you can’t smell the rot…the instagram filter is the equivalent of throwing some Lye or is it Lime on a dead body to cover the fucking smell….you know mummification process is necessary for the necrophiliac to get his fuck on without throwing up all over the place like the instagram filter is needed for old rich hags who still produce slutty content for no reason besides being whores…

Enter Christinia Milian in her 40-45 year old bikini, who has millions of MILIAN DOLLARS, and who STILL does this shit because some people just like being jacked off to or told they matter…when her actual career in front of the camera, despite being lucrative, was pretty dog shit….SHE IS NO RIHANNA…but she does work for RIHANNA pushing lingerie…and this could be that…or it could just be her deep self hatred looking for validation….WHO KNOWS….maybe CHRISTIAN MILIAN isn’t even real…MAYBE this is just like the CRYING FILTER on SNAP that went viral to the 12 people who use SNAP…MAYBE.


Posted in:Christina Milian