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Archive for the Kourtney Kardashian Category




Kourtney Kardashian’s Titty in the Tub Photoshoot of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian is using the Kardashian Marketing strategy to get noticed.

I’ve been seeing these Kourtney Kardashian “leaked” pics for over a month and didn’t bother with them, since they are Kourtney Kardashian and I don’t really care to give her any more hype than she’s already had.

Sure, there’s also the annoyance of lawyers letters since they are billionaires, that won’t ruin me since I am already ruined, but layers of headaches can come with “leaked” pics that I don’t actually care about.

You see, even in Kourtney’s prime, when she was marketed as the hot Kardashian sister, which is like taking four dog shits and lining them up in a row and having people judge the nicest looking dog shit, I wasn’t into her.

Now that she’s near 50, a new mom, all jacked up on the family plastic surgery and “medi-spa” treatments, I am definitely not interested. Plus the whole Travis Barker HIV pussy, but that’s just added bonus to how vile she is.

I also don’t see these as leaks, when they are posed. I see them as strategic releases to get some viral attention around her tits and I’m taking the bait. Clearly someone isn’t happy with the level of press her granny ass is getting, so she’s upping the strategic moves, while upping the dose of brazilian butt lift injections.

These are probably old and it’s all so obvious…but I can’t turn my back on tits, even tits I want to turn my back on. It’s a weakness and a problem.

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Kourtney Kardashian Forced Menopause Tits of the Day

I don’t think Kourtney Kardashian is a widow yet, but her husband looks pretty close to dead….

I do think Kourtney Kardashian is disgusting and I’m not even looking at her mom pussy but I feel that way about all the Kardashians and haven’t quite figured out what they did that compelled or excited the masses to buy into anything and everything they do, probably witchcraft, or someone pulling the puppet strings, since they all seem pretty vapid and half retarded..

I’ll look at her old, tired, weird, mom tits in her bikini for attention, because I’ll look at any desperate person crying for people to look at their tits…

If you were going through your normal day, maybe in a pre-internet time, or a pre-internet slut time, and your co-worker came up to you and said “can you check out my tits in this bikini”…..no matter how old, fat, disgusting she is, you’d say FUCK YES, so this is just the internet version.

What I find weird is that they don’t realize they are boring, their act is dull, their ugly and old, but that’s probably because they truly think they are geniuses who gamed the system, not right place right time, whore out the most viral one with a porno like her friend Paris….and in their delusion feel this is what the people want

You’d think when you are as rich as the Kardashians, they’d find other things to do to entertain themselves, but instead they just keep whatever it is they do alive, no matter how bad we want them all dead.


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Kourtney Kardashian’s Nasty Ass of the Day

The trashy, evil, demonic, pieces of shit that basically were chosen as the family to destroy a generation of women, turning them into face injected muppets, willing to do anything to get a payout for just being themselves, so that they can buy expensive shit they don’t need….were in Italy, because a cancelled brand – DOLCE & GABBANA – who got turned on for some racist shit a few years ago decided to sponsor the Kourtney and Travis Barker wedding from hell, or that they wish was from hell, because they’ve all sold their fucking souls in order to be these weird people….that I am surprised anyone gives a shit about…they really aren’t interesting.

But yeah, great marketing opportunity for the brand to get into the media, great marketing opportunity for the family to milk a very boring storyline of some menopuasal bitch marrying a freak drummer from a punk band of yesteryear….NO ONE CARES, but they fucking try to make us care….they’ve been married 3-4 times already, fuck off already.

If you ever see pics of the two idiots, and you do, because they milk this story on the media like they milk the cows that are the Kardashians….they’re always tongues down each other’s throat and if you didn’t know they were rich and famous, you’d think they were medicated street buskers on some bender in the bus shelter.

I know what you’re thinking, Barker survived one plane crash, society would benefit if FINAL DESTINATION comes through on the flight home in a “YOU CANNOT ESCAPE ME DEMON”….you know take em all out for the betterment of society as a whole…if that is God’s will and it arguably should be.

In the meantime, I’ll look at the 45 year old’s nasty mom ass in a thong that you know she’s likely had shaped to look this way by the family ass doctor who made Bruce’s cock into a cunt.

Garbage fucking people that the tabloids fucking love….and as gross as I think they are, I’ll still stare at their thonged asses…why not.


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Kourtney Kardashian Old in a Swimsuit of the Day

This just in…Kourtney Kardashian is half naked despite being old….and brave enough to put her doughy mom body into some strappy outfit to squeeze out of in terrible ways.

I guess the WITCHCRAFT spell that has made the Kardashians a thing, a billion dollar thing, is not a powerful enough spell for the oldest daughter look like an old bitch….even with the filters and photoshop….

I know Koutney was arguably the only daughter worth possibly having sex with when they all went viral 10 or more years ago, but none of them were really ever that good, and I’d have sex with a mouldy old sandwich if it was wet enough, so having sex with some rich tanned hairy chick isn’t really that much of a stretch…but you get what I am saying…she was the best of the main 3, not saying much, but she’s way worse now…

I know Travis Barker seems to like it, but I just assume that’s part of some sort of weird ritual…and despite the TRAVIS BARKER sperm deep inside her menopausal womb, the photoshop, the filters…she’s looking like an old lady…too old to be taking slutty selfies in these kinds of outfits….old enough for the media to say she’s brave because most old bitches know they are disgusting and don’t behave like this…

I like to think it’s a good opportunity to try to understand how her blown out mom pussy being squeezed out of her bikini….

I don’t know what their Mary “Lady of Fatima” statue and snow globe have to do with producing SMUT, but I do know the first Secret of FATIMA is that HELL exists…so in keeping with ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE DEMONIC…I’ll assume ALL THESE PEOPLE ARE DEMONIC.


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Kourtney Kardashian Wet Tits of the Day

I am so thrown off by Kourtney Kardashian being sexualized at her old age. I find that fact alone pretty fucking disgusting because I am from the era of girls slowing down the slutty behavior when they hit a certain age or a certain bank balance…

Not to mention, the Kardashians, like parasites have latched themselves onto the walls of the colon of society, and aren’t going anywhere…you know the cockroach that will survive the apocalypse who is at the point of getting just as much coverage posting pics of her being a good mom, or a business lady….and not some tits out riding dick in a pool pile of shit….

THEN there’s the whole Travis Scott, her brother in law, doing a whole fucking Satanic Ritual, that they’ll say wasn’t a Satanic Ritual, that’s a conspiracy, which could be true, I mean if you’re Godless than you sure don’t believe in the Satan…I get that…but kids died…and that was only a few weeks ago….so clearly it’s really negatively impacted the family as a whole…you know TRAGEDY makes the whore HO harder.

MOST importantly, Travis Barker, Plane Crash survivor who made his deal, is like a 50 year old rocker with shitty tattoos who looks like he’s sick, or diseased, or a reptile, and his handling of this old bitch in their softcore porn that sucks, turns my stomach….I don’t know why, just instinct I guess…

I guess most importantly would be POST THE PENETRATION VIDEOS…this take on influencers in love is just gross, so we might as well stick with the gross theme and show her mom cunt flapping with his drumsticks up her ass…THE WAY NATURE intended.



Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Kourtney Kardashian Bikini of the Day

Why are they sexualizing Kourtney Kardashian? Are they planning some sort of sacrifice and this is her final form before ascension….I don’t know how witchcraft work, but I’ll assume her mom does…and whether you believe in the dark energy of these monsters or not, I can tell you that they’ve left such a shit stain, maybe from one too many ass injections destroying the asshole’s ability to function properly, just ship sprayed everywhere they go….has anyone been close enough to a Kardashian to know if they smell like demons or not…

Anyway, I find it really uncomfortable when a divorcee is out here being like “I’m hot, I fuck”…we get it…you fuck…that’s not an achievement…I mean full retards fuck…everyone fucks…it is kind of the pot…and when you’re 300 years old…maybe you keep it to your damn self.

In conclusion, the legacy and impact these money grubbers have done in the world the DAMAGE they’ve done to girls by pushing some weird ass materialistic consumer society of narcissists doing copycat shit, that unfortunately wasn’t copycat suicide, since all these fucks are still alive…when all these fucks being removed would be amazing.

Don’t get excited, this is fake, this is photoshopped, it may be CGI…I don’t believe anything I see, especially with these monsters..


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Kourtney Kardashian Crushing a Horse of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian is rubbing her cunt up on her horse saddle like a Lesbian Biker on her motorcycle trying to cum, because Kourtney Kardashian in her 40s has decided to be some low level slut, which I guess would make her a high level slut, because the Kardashians are the best the EVIL industry has brought the world to destroy the spirit of young people into thinking getting fucked on camera can turn you whole family into billionaires…so long as your mom was involved in the death of the most famous murder of the 90s…

I don’t care what you think, but all I see is darkness with tese people as they scam money to live lavishly, while offering the world nothing inspirational or impressive, if anything it just enslaves women to think that money is everything and whoring for that money is noble work….which is pretty unfortuante for society but good for us.

I don’t know why her and Travis Barker’s content is so appealing to celeb gossip, but I’ll assume no one cares about celeb gossip really, they are too busy taking selfies to notice…which could be why she progressively gets more and more perverted…like gridning her pussy on a saddle like a hot Rodeo Girl without the actual cowboy energy the world needs because again, these are unimpressive people…JUST PUT YOUR TITS OUT and people will buy your shit….AVON LADY FROM HELL.


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Kourtney Kardashian Tits of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian is one of the OCCULT demons from the Kardashian Klan that at one point in time was considered the hot one, because the rest of them, were uglier than her, which isn’t saying much to someone like me, because I have not been sucked into the Kardashian trance and don’t find them all that interesting, from Paris’ unnoticeable assistant, almost as unnoticeable as her new husbands secret child, to her sex tape that was hardly “Much anticipated”….but it happened, and we saw her comical clown ass in action and I found it pretty embarrasing, while the industry, thanks to the spells they cast on them, decided that it was some important shit, gave the whole family a show and let them destroy society by turning every girl into a face injection, transactional, influencer in training with not much to offer…so it worked out nicely for them, they are all billionaires from being on social media, while society has basically been run the fuck over by by a fake booty bus….which sounds better than it is..

ANYWAY I don’t know what’s up with Kourtney’s highly publicized distraction that is her relationship with TraviS Barker, the edgy pop punk clown who didn’t die in a plane crash, and I guess thinks he sold his soul at some point in his career….whether you like his drumming or not….

I just know that their entire pandemic love affair is some weirdly staged weirdness, that’s involved a lot of PDA no one wants to see, I mean she’s weird looking at middle aged now, but for whatever reason, she keeps pushing the smut with this lingerie shit…

The good news is, I’ll look at anyone in lingerie because I am a pervert, even if I don’t like what it represents…


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Kourtney Kardashian Pussy of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian has been pretty present on the internet because her and Travis Barker have embarked on some end of life campaign, or at least end of her potential sex appeal life campaign, because there are still people who have wrongfully decided or believe in the lie that Kourtney Kardashian is the hot Kardashian, despite being a fucking troll, demon contributing to destroying society as we know it by brainwashing the weak girls of social media…..

I don’t blame those of you out there who were like “She’s the hot Kardashian”….it’s human nature to be given 3 chicks and choosing the best of the 3 chicks….even if none of them are all that good…it’s one of those “the tv makes us see these people all the fucking time even though they have no marketable skills, there’s gotta be some kind of scam in this, but that’s too much for my simple mind to debate, I’ll just fixate on the hot one, even if she’s not the hottest, she’s hotter than the other two freakshows”…..

I always tell the story I contemplated my sexuality as a young and easily influenced immigrant kid at a new school when I was 12 or 13 and not really into girls in a “I want to fuck” kind of way…I was more into girls who were nice, or pretty, but not for animalistic reasons….I only hit puberty at 25 and even then my penis never grew…

But yeah…the “cool guys” were obsessed with a girl who looked like a burn victim, and I thought that was really fucking weird, but they were all obsessed and pretty convincing and my half retard self was like “but she looks like a burn victim, if that’s what dudes are into, well, maybe I’m a queer”….only to realize, they were just brain washed idiots perpetuating lies…like anyone into these EVIL Kardashians…

So yeah, the old as shit, plastic surgery ridden, filtered botch job of a monster who’s family have a deal with the devil himself, is running around the world with Travis Barker being perverted and horny, and the whole thing is stomach curdling…because they are both equally disgusting looking people…but not as curdling as her mom pussy eating her weird one piece she shouldn’t be in because her mom body’s freakish…but here it is….you perverts who like anyone who is in a one piece…which I’ll admit is challenging for me because these on piece things are hot…..especially when the pussy tries eating them up….it’s a fetish…just the wrong girl partaking…


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian




Kourtney Kardashian’s Back Door Doesn’t Have a Code of the Day

In totally uninteresting news, Kourtney Kardashian, the one that was marketed as the hot one when Kendall was still a kid, but who was never the hot one, because you can’t have a hot one, when they are all piles of dog shit, it’s like saying one cancer is way sexier than the other, it’s still fucking cancer….

But yeah, in taking a break from being fingered, or being super sexual in her 40s with Travis Barker, who looks like a scrawny monster with AIDS, trying to be hot with her old lady body that she has tons of plastic surgery on because she’s of the TROLL variety….she accidentally went live…

In the video, she says her back gate code is not set and that the 0 doesn’t work…so use that however you will…

Dog shit humans…

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian