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Archive for the Kourtney Kardashian Category




Kourtney Kardashian Pussy Print Bikini of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian Ass and Pussy Print in Yellow Bikini

“Omg Kourtney Kardashian in a Bathing Suit, look at this great body, can you believe she’s a mom! It must be because she believes in health and fitness, I’m sure it’s all natural from hard work in the gym and a good diet, there’s no way this is plastic surgery or a cheap attempt to get people to notice her, as this family is traditionally about sending a positive message to the kids, and I guess she’s continuing that legacy! Go Kardashians, please tell me what lip plumper I need to buy”….

Gutter Kardashians, aren’t health or fitness anything, they are artificial shameless pieces of shit, that are the color of shit, and the fact that people celebrate them like they are interesting, or good, it disgusting to me. You all should be ashamed of your damn selves…

Here’s her mom pussy print in a bikini.

Here she is getting her pussy looked at for scabs

Kourtney Kardashian Ass and Pussy Print in Yellow Bikini 1

To See The Rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Here is Kim doing a pussy dance in the mirror

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Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Kardashian Jenner Bikini Incest of the Day

Kendall Jenner Tits and Ass Bikini

Kardashian Jenner Bikini garbage….because I guess their mom-manager Kris told them it is time to post some half naked pics, but this time with an incest spin, because the world is getting more and more clever or jaded, and less and less interested, that they only will reach when there’s a scandal, like pussy on face of sisters, who aren’t full sisters, and since they are sisters, have no risk of having an Alexis Ren looking incest baby.

Point being, this isn’t hot, but it’s happening and I must share it with you, because we like bikini pics, even if we don’t care for the ridiculous backstory.

Posted in:Kendall Jenenr|Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Anastasia Karanikolaou Got Them TItties On of the Day

Anastasia Karanikolaou Big Fake Tits

Kylie Jenner’s Friend Anastasia is something because she is Kylie Jenner’s friend. I think she either takes slutty pics of Kylie, but is also a slut in and of herself, because who isn’t these days really,it’s a generational thing….

She’s got her big tits out, her fake face out and inspires me as one of the Jenner Kardashian Henchmen to post up some KYLIE bullshit…not because I like young fat, weird shaped, plastic surgery ridden, puppets and their baby making….or that I like rich kids, brats, the garbage of society that for some reason is celebrated…I really don’t…but for some reason, I reason I call working with the devil, deals with the devil…I am compelled to post it up…

So here she is with muppet face – mom pussy – Kylie

Anastasia Karanikolaou and Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner Pussy Flash that you can’t see mom pussy because it’s not that meaty….but it’s still probably pretty meaty….

Kylie Jenner Pussy Flash

Here is the other sister Kourtney’s cameltoe because when you’re a mom pushing 40, pants seem to burrow up inside you like it’s Groundhog Day and motherfucker doesn’t want to come out and see if winter is over or not…

Kourtney Kardashian Pussy Print Black Leggings

Posted in:Anastasia Karanikolaou|Kourtney Kardashian|Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kourtney Kardashian Spreading Her Legs of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian spreading her legs like she was Sofia Richie does for Kourtney Kardashian’s boyfriend…because while the old mom pussy gets laid out to dry, or put out to pasture, while replaced by fresh young Lionel Richie pussy….that may not be fresh…since she’s an LA rich kid who is broken…dating a 45 year old dudes…

Kourtney Kardashian is out in a bikini, trying to get attention, because her audience needs old mom erotica…her mom needs her putting the body out there…and these aren’t hot, the family is disgusting, but great direct response marketers…and brainwashed the fuck out of you….and this is one tactic.

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Kylie Jenner’s Fat Ass in a Bikini of the Day

Kylei Jenner Big Fat Ass in a Bikini

Kylie Jenner is disgusting.

She’s a little fucking pig of a human with far too much plastic surgery that makes me sick to look at…

The fact that she’s made a baby, or faked making a baby, since all the Kardashian babies look like the same brown shit, it’s possible it’s just a prop from the basement lab where Bruce Jenner grew his vagina…as rich people are fucking weirdos….

As we know, the family is disgusting, shameless, direct response marketers, some AVON LADY, infomercial shit, that has mastered the social media marketing world and got really rich doing it….clever really…but in doing that…they have to put out this terrible and offensive smut that makes me think Bruce Jenner is the hottest pussy, at least the least mangled pussy in the gang of pussies….

She’s in a bikini….weird shaped and the worst…take it in…love it…smear it on your pervert chest.


Here is the other sister Kourtney with ice cream in her pussy

Kourtney KArdashian White Panties and Bra

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kourtney Kardashian Bikini of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian Fake Tits in a Gold Bikini Paddleboard

Kourtney Kardashian, the more tolerable troll from the Kardashian family, when the Kardashian’s were coming up, and there were only 3 of them, who people thought was the hot one, likely because she was the one who banged white guys, had babies with white guys, made white guys rich and capable of fucking other rich people, some who are 18 or 19 years old, while this one is on the beach somewhere trying to compete….

The accessible or relatable one to the white people who clearly watch their show and made it a thing…..while the other two were just fucking monsters…and not because they only bang black dudes…but because they are scary looking…like monsters…

Even if they are all monsters, evil, part of the fall of society….if not the reason for the fall of society….the reality star manipulative fucks….the worst.

But she’s in a bikini trying to compete with her baby daddy and his new young thing…not raising the kids, since they are props and have propmasters for that.

Kourtney Kardashian Ass Riding a Bike in Short Shorts 7

Here is the other one, lookin like a 7-11 HOT DOG
Kim Kardashian Hot Dog in a Pink Bikini

Posted in:Kim Kardashian|Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Kim Kardashian’s Mangled Pussy Print of the Day

Kim Kardashian mangled pussy print in tight black yeezy shorts

The Kardashians are the fucking worst, and their flagship Kardashian is the root of all the evil that is the Kardashians…including Ryan Seacrests sex offending and Bruce Jenner losing his fucking mind and cutting off his own cock like he was G.G. Allin…is this one….

I call her mutant Kardashian, because her body is so distorted and built in the weirdest fucking way, looking like some bad plastic surgery ridden over made up plastic sex doll I wouldn’t want to have sex with….because it’s not hot…it’s a cartoon or caricature of a human…and it’s terrifying….which makes sense because she’s a sex worker….a pornstar…some Stormy Daniels who found a better way to make the millions than exploit evil…

I can’t understand or believe that brands give these people money, that people buy what they tell them to buy, that they are influencers and lead a whole industry of famewhores shamless famous for no reason….

I find it offensive, a national disease….that should be shot…

But not as offensive as her pussy print in her leggings…because that pussy has seen some shit…mangled and terrifying shit…

Here she is in a see through body suit that she posted to Instagram, and didn’t get reported

Kim Kardashian Fat Trash on the Beach see through bodysuit

Her sister Kourtney in a see through skirt with them tits out

Kourtney Kardashian tits out in a tight black bra and black panties see through skirt

To see the rest of the pics click HERE

Posted in:Kim Kardashian|Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Kourtney Kardashian Titty Pop of the Day

Kourtney Kardashian tit pops out

Kourtney Kardashian titty pop….not as hype of Blac Chyna ….not that the Blac Chyna tape was hype….it was on some Bill Cosby level of medicated sex I assume Bill Cosby had, which I guess is nice that you don’t have to listen to her talk, not that I know that listening to her talk is a terrible thing, but I’m going out on a limb, that she’s loud, irritating, instagram booty model trash…and her with a dick in her mouth half dead is her at her best…

While her baby’s aunt, just as classily pulls her tit out….

So many shitty people making money….it’s crazy…


Kourtney Kardashian tits pop out of her dress

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Kourtney Kardashian’s Mom Pussy Eats Her Bathing Suit of the Day

Omg Kourtney Kardashian in a Bathing Suit, look at this great body, can you believe she’s a mom! I know I know…that vapid cunt eating bathing suit bottoms is a pretty good indicator…but you’d think she’d be the sister with the smallest cunt even after being a mom of a few…thanks to liking white meat…

But she still looks ok, even though she’s a cancer that needs to be taken out with the rest of the virus that is their family…It must be because she believes in health and fitness, I’m sure it’s all natural from hard work in the gym and a good diet, there’s no way this is plastic surgery or a cheap attempt to get people to notice her, as this family is traditionally about sending a positive message to the kids, and I guess she’s continuing that legacy! Go Kardashians, please tell me what lip plumper I need to buy”….


Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|SFW




Kourtney Kardashian’s Nipples of the Day


Kourtney Kardashian is part of the devil tribe of brown hairy monsters who have no business being famous…but who are famous because the media and Ryan Seacrest know how to influence the retard public…pretty much destroying the little faith I have in humanity…or at least in America….

And she’s showing her nipples…

Sure she’s not dead and I should only post on her when she’s dead…because fuck these idiots… she should be dead….but she’s not..she’s cashing the fuck in just being alive and that’s wrong….

But she is showing nipples….and nipples matter when, barely, when you’re old and your family is known for being peed on….in video…

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian