The only girl in the family of whoring butt pics and themselves for a lot of money – from sex tape to big brand deals and products because the world is dumb…who fucks and gets knocked up by white dudes, while the others gone black…deep…just because black dick is the only dick that can navigate their fat asses…is trying to get in on the ass promotion because their ass doctor that lives in the shed out back of their house..doing “brazilian butt lifts everyday”…it’s a full time affair…because I guess she’s trying to get some attention…I’m not into it, but maybe you are….
Or maybe you’re more into the taller, daughter of a tranny, genetically the daughter of a tranny, who is probably a tranny to help her get PR for her fake modeling career…taking a selfie in a bikini because this is the kind of bitch who masturbates watching herself, so in love with herself, because the people around her tell her how great she is, while her parents don’t even notice her…she’s a lie…

Or Maybe you’re more into Kylie, the fat one, also neglected by her parents because they were too far gone, the transition was already happening before she got her period, forcing her to navigate whoring out deals her mom sells for her on her own, the one who they used to maximize the HIP HOP market, a market that is POP MUSIC that white people love and quote all fucking day, to the point where it’s annoying, not just because rappers fuck with social media stars with a famous family for press, but because they do collabs with music like Bieber…in this no scene, no integrity, giant ad that is the world….even this picture is a GOLDEN ARCHES post that was paid for by McDonalds…are you fucking kidding me…bitch is product placing McDonalds on her instagram in a world where we should be banning McDonalds due to toxic fucking food that makes people obese with their temptation….unreal..she doesn’t even have to say it’s a fucking ad…it’s just a logo you know…being clever knowing instagram blocks the hashtag ad…either way, do you think TUPAC would have done a song with New Kids on the Block…ask yourself that world…why do we live in an era where he wouldn’t have just done a song with New Kids on the Block, he’d also go to lame clubs with them and fuck groupies with a big social presence in hotel sweets surrounded by bars of Xanax and Coke…fucking up the whole culture and dynamic of the way things are supposed to be…groupies need to be whores who work at diners…and stripclubs…not pawns or puppets used to peddle product to a nation of retarded brainwashed kids…

If you don’t like that, and you shouldn’t, here’s her fat monster sister and her plastic surgery showing you, the people, the fans, the idiots who allow them to exist, that angles and FACETUNE on social media are FUCKING everything..and even a pig can frame herself in a way that both shows off an ass implant, because the family relies on butt shots, and a stomach laying down, using gravity to make people want to give her cavity searches…people who aren’t me, because I figure if you’re ever in a room with a Kardashian, it’s your responsibility to humanity to murder them, and not in a rape then murder way…but an actual murder you will go to jail for..but it’d be worth it…and remember – AIM FOR KIM….

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|SFW