I heard Kourtney Kardashian was pregenant last week and didn’t really give a shit. I figure eventually all these cunts I hate are going to breed, so they might as well do it now than later, but when I saw these pictures of her and the baby daddy, I was surprised, not because she’s eating ice cream, since that is a genetic disorder her and her sisters fight everyday, but luckily with pregnancy comes the license to eat as much as she fucking wants to, never ever bouncing back to what she once was, but that’s what pregnancy is famous for, while we’re still trying to figure out why Kourtney Kardashian is famous for, but I was surprised mainly because the baby daddy isn’t black, as I thought these girls only fucked black dudes….
I decided to google Scott Disick because I really have nothing better to do with my time and figured no one out there would waste their time on doin the shit themeselves, because people don’t really care about no names and I found out some funny shit….
FIrst, Scott grey up in a wealthy home and went to private schools, but his parents went broke and he is being known as a womanizer, basically trying to sleep his way to the lifestyle he wants, and leaving his sperm in the best uterus that comes along to be set for life, a modern day K-Fed who we should celebrate, unfortunately for him tho, he didn’t quite bag a Britney and pobably has to listen to a whole lot more whining and bitching and bratty, high maintenance shit cuz that’s just what these trashy Kardashian’s are….he really shoulda just used her as a stepping stone to meet someone more famous….
Either way, here is Kourtney letting loose with her using man and the whole thing is funny to me…..especially when I look at his shoes, then his Clark Kent hair and his smug look on his face like he’s totally got this all worked out and won the game of life…while his girl gets fatter and fatter by the bite….amazing….

Posted in:Kourtney Kardashian|Pregnant|Scott Disick