I'll Make You Famous…




I am – DJ AM and Nicole Richie's Failed Relationship of the Day

I like to think I am the reason they broke up. Not because I contributed to their break-up in anyway, but because I like seeing other people’s misery and like thinking I am the cause. It makes me feel better about myself.

So, this past weekend, a SAD DJ AM played at a club called Passion. A devastated Nicole ran off with a bunch of short mexican/asian lookin’ women for a little getaway. Lucky for us, we’ve got these pics showing just how sad she really is.

Point of the story is that girls move on quicker after breaking up. Dude’s freak out lookin’ for new pussy, missing the old pussy, their lives all upside down, their routine destroyed…while girls are happy about the change…start banging many new dudes…while smiling in airports.

And if you can’t afford the 5 dollar cover charge, or if you are too homeless/ghetto/obese for the club to let you in (like me), put your iTunes on random and look at these pics fast. It’ll feel like you’re in the heart of a DJ AM party. Make sure you’ve got some Will Smith – Wild Wild West, he likes that one.

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