I'll Make You Famous…




Skinny Lohan Goes Shopping of the Day

Here is Lohan, the bitch who thinks the world revolves around her, because she’s a spoiled fucking brat who gets what she wants all the time. You know a 21 year old who acts like an irrational 5 year old throwing a fucking tantrum. Sure, it may not be her fault, she is only 21 and has time to grow the fuck up, but I don’t believe in blaming parents, I believe in blaming myself, because ultimately, I am the one who has to live this fucking life.

Sure, she was a child star and was coddled and spoiled by everyone around her because she was their bankroll, so she got everything and anything that she wanted to make sure she kept on producing, kinda like when a horse trainer makes sure his prize race horse gets special treatment when transporting him from race to race, or when a pig farmer lets his state fair prize winner live in the house with his family and makes his wife make extra dinner to give to the fucking pig, or pretty much any other situation where the happiness of one, brings money to many, so many make sure the one is happy. It doesn’t matter.

Here she is shopping, looking skinny and haggard buying vitamins like they will save her weathered face. Let’s hope she pulls a Heath Ledger..

Yesterday I wrote that Lohan is an unstable cunt because she is probably on a lot of drugs and has a lot of time on her hands since the peak of her career was 5 years ago when she was in Mean Girls and it has been a slow and steady ride downhill to unemployment since. You know getting fired for sporadic episodes of Ugly Betty and not getting any movie roles, well I guess I was wrong. She got the gig being the spokesperson/model for Fornarina, a middle the road clothing company that’s not quite designer and not quite Lee Dungaroos.

Posted in:Lindsay Lohan|Shopping|Skinny