I'll Make You Famous…




Lily Allen’s New Tattoo of the Day

Following Lily Allen on Twitter the last 2 days has been life changing. First, I saw her call Perez out, then I fell in love, tried to reach out so that she would call me out, she never bothered, so now I’m over that love and back to my old self. I think it’s cuz I got a good nights sleep.

Anyway. This morning she posted her new tattoo, that’s the picture you see.

This is what I wrote her:

it should have been ‘crime scene’ tape and a chalk outline on your FUPA

For those of you who don’t know a FUPA is a Fat Upper Pussy Area, I heard some high school girls making fun of a fat chick about having one, I always knew it as gunt. I’ll admit the joke would have been funnier if I had said womb, but I’m trying not to get banned just yet.

Then last night she wrote that she was sick and cancelled an interview with Dr Drew so Perez tried to be clever saying something smart like “maybe she has an new STD”, good one, useless fuck.

I wrote.

i’m thinking she’s pregnant again…get out the vacuum.

Better one and that’s all that matters…

So, enough about twitter…I fucking hate when people try to relive an internet moment, I just woke up and had to update and will keep my twitter jokes on twitter, where they belong.

Here are some pictures of Lily Allen yesterday….

Now with video…

Posted in:Lily Allen|Tattoo