Charlotte McKinney is some rich kid from Florida, because there are rich people in Florida, especailly when they are from tax evading jewelry selling families legally based out of the Bahamas…
Instead of just sticking to south Florida tanning her really stupidly large tits, or working as a bottle service girl, because despite being rich, sometimes it’s fun to make your own money, and who knows who you’ll meet….she decided to fuck the casting director of Dancing with the Stars, who put her in a Guess ad, to justify dancing with the stars, and now she’s the big tits from Dancing with the Stars…
Low level dreams can come true…so long as you have huge tits..
I don’t know what this magazine is, but check out these clown tits…i want to juggle…with my mouth…even though I hate her…
- by LiCeK
- by LiCeK
- by LiCeK
Posted in:Charlotte McKinney|SFW