It’s hard to get excited over anything that Pam Anderson is involved in, she’s old, she’s tired, her breasts are still stupid looking, and I was done jerking off to her in the late 90s….
Luckily she had Miley Cyrus to help carry her in hometown concert, these Canadians never fully capable of leaving their maple Syrup sucking ways..especially after being cured of Hepatitis..not that that is related, but it means she’s not dead yet and in not being dead…why not walk around Miley’s show in a one piece to discuss issues like saving the whales…a cause I support..becuase Marine Mammals are fucking amazing..even when Pam Anderson is not…
But I guess the point of her doing this was to draw attention to herself, she knows as well as us that hse’s old and not what she was, she has to look at all the wrinkles and new discoveries of aging everyday – before getting plastic surgery to try ot fix it…
And why not do it with Miley, a lost girl just trying to find her voice, her place and doing it in the silliest, sexualized, fun way….
Good times, but irrelevant times.
Posted in:Miley Cyrus|Pam Anderson|SFW