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Lady Gaga Posted Bikini Weirdness on Instagram of the Day

Lady Gaga Posted Bikini Weirdness on Instagram

It’s not secret that Lady Gaga is the fucking worst. Her music, her overall branding of herself, the fact that she was this ugly rich kid from New York, who finally got accepted by the masses and really took that seriously…she found her angle, of being this weirdo, and the weirder she is, the more she sold and rode it hard, so hard it became boring, typical, try hard, because she was trying hard…acting like she didn’t care, while being try hard…all while being ugly the entire fucking time…

Well, now she’s on a beach in a thong in heels, because of course she is, she’s Lady Gaga and wants you to remember her, even though I actively try to forgot or avoid all things Gaga..but thanks to brainwashing…I know all her songs….terrible…

I don’t know what this Kim Kardashian thong weirdness is, but it’s probably gotta do with her Fibryomyalgia

Posted in:Lady Gaga|Lady Gaga|SFW