I'll Make You Famous…




Aubrey O’Day Ass of the Day

Aubrey ODay Ass in a Black Lace Thong

Trump’s little assistant from his show Aubrey O’Day – who I guess owed Trump a favor, jumped into the mix of Trump scandals, I am sure at their request, because they are just a text message away for her, as she was on their show, because apparently she’s a celebrity….and she’s jumping to it…

It’s like she had that jacked up instagram / porn face long before instagram existed since she’s old…and now that girls are out there getting famous, doing things she’s been doing for a decade, like fucking rappers….while she had to go through it the old fashion reality show way and really manipulate people into giving her a chance…

While now all girls have to do is set up shoots with perverts and post that pervert shit, find a scandal to ride, since no one remembers you, and comeback to the world in one last hurrah..

It’s like one of the challenges on the Apprentice…and she’s not quite winning yet…Lil John is…but it’s happening…

Aubrey O Day Spread Legs in Panties Doing Tarot

Posted in:Aubrey O'Day|SFW