I'll Make You Famous…




Camila Cabello Slutty on Stage of the Day

camila cabello on stage in a black lace bra

Camila Cabello is some pregnant Cuban girl who made it in America, unlike her cousin ELIAN GONZALEZ …who America put back on the raft he drifted in on and sent him back to FIDEL…

This Camila girl is living the American dream, taking the place of an actual American, because these naturalized immigrants, who started out as illegals, are stealing all the jobs from the local Americans…which makes them real made in their trailer park homes…real mad…

It’d be a more interesting story if her career wasn’t that of a pop star in a slutty group, turned solo performer, like Nicole Scherzinger…and every Spice Girl except POSH, since she can’t sing and was a prop in their marketing, like she’s a prop in her marriage…because she’s so hungry and doesn’t have any energy for that…

Posted in:Camila Cabello|SFW