I'll Make You Famous…




Demi Lovato Erotica of the Day

Demi Lovato Big Tits Covering her Nipples on Instagram

I would say that Demi Lovato is going through a midlife crisis, because statistically most Bi Polar people die prematurely thanks to suicide, and being the 30 year old living another 30 years being bipolar may be unlikely…

I do know that she is having some sort of identity crisis, of whether she’s fat or skinny, naked or clothed, lesbian or straight, thanks to growing up not really having an identity of her own, but rather just want the people wanted her to have, and paid her to have….

She calls it bipolar, I call it entitled rich person who can afford to have a mental illness to explain her whining…

And whatever it is, it involves her producing shameless clickbait erotica that I’ll shamelessly look at, because I’m a straight pervert who may not know anything about Demi Lovato…or any of her music…or understand her fame…but I do know titties being exploited for titty attention…

Posted in:Demi Lovato|SFW