I'll Make You Famous…




Ireland Baldwin’s Extra Large Panties of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is 7 feet tall and 250 pounds…because that’s the way she’s built…but like many Amazon women, just not all Amazon sized women, she’s managed to be semi proportionate, despite being 7 feet tall and 250 pounds…so she can Anna Nicole (pre-obesity, slim spa, death from opiates) this shit and confuse the hell out of people in photos because she seems normal sized…but the second you let this unstable monster, or is it a PIG as her dad so kindly described her when she was 10, out of her cage and let her stand next to normal sized people you see just how monstrous and terrifying she actually is….

That said, she had a chance to be an instagrammer, fucked that up with a series of breakdowns and teen angst moments, paving the way for her cousin Hailey who actually made it and is living the dream via her own scamming way, that I guess they both are living because their last name had already paved the way for them, only this one’s dad was already so famous, she didn’t have to try as hard as the skinnier, normal sized, hotter cousin to make it…she didn’t have that Stephen Baldwin embarassment that lead to drive or at least to hang out with the “cool kids” knowing eventually you’d be able to monetize off it….

I guess it pays to have a deadbeat, embarassing dad….

Posted in:Ireland Baldwin|SFW