I like to think of this site as nothing more than a jerk off site, a fetish site for people into famous girls being whores, and a place where I can take out my sexual frustration and failures on these people who seemingly win.
Sometimes I say it’s a comedy site, you know in a just jokin’ around…kind of way…
But I never really report news, or anything relevant, sure the nudes and the slutty behavior is the latest they are up todo and thus I am news in some right….but ultimately….I’m just reposting slutty behavior for everyone to jerk off to.
So whether it’s of this Eastern European Nina Dobrev from Vampire Diaries, who came to North America via Canadian Immigration laws….that allowed her to get work in Canada that she could parlay into work in the USA on TV….or really any slut that has some level of celebrity…I’ll post it…
From bikinis, to fitness fetishes of girls who should have been sex workers….but who are now realizing that fitness is a good way to do social media porno without being obvious porno…or obviously shameless…just slow and steady deep squats….
We’ve got it all…the one stop shop no one stops to shop at….but check out this bitch hump the fucking air like it was a producer offering her a movie roll so that she didn’t have to turn to social media to make her passive income…directly selling to her fans!
Posted in:Nina Dobrev|SFW