The big Modern Family news last week was that one of the characters from the show is going to be killed off…
I know Modern Family news not for being a fan of Modern Family, but because I saw it on another site. I only realized that Ed Harris from Married with Children was on the show, and when asking my wife, she was blown away that I had no idea about this fact…because I like to stay ignorant, it makes the heart grow founder or some shit.
My money is on Sarah Hyland – who has a terminal disease in real life, that has got her at least one new Kidney….because her behavior, slutting herself out the last 6 months or year, seems to be that of a girl being told she’s got a year to live…and her show is just pre-empting it, so they don’t invest in scripts for next season, cuz she’s a nice dying girl. The kind who gives us what we want.
Can’t wait for the sex tape.
Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW