Rich people have a lot of time on their hands, and they like to plan elaborate events around bullshit things like engagement parties, or bachelorette parties, all in effort to get the poor people to follow them to feel like shit about themselves, forcing them to turn to sugar baby sex work, to get a taste of that good life….so that they can spend money in idiotic ways, like yacht parties too…you know so they fit into society as they should…
That said, Sarah Hyland, the very weird fucking looking girl from Modern Family…that you all jerked off to throughout her genetic diseased, underdeveloped years, that she got two Kidney Transplants in…2 people have sacrificed vital organs for her to be drinking on this boat in a bikini for you to jerk off to..and that’s what this is about…celebrating life, love and saying fuck you to all you losers who can’t live like this cuz you’re not rich enough to get new kidneys when yours give out….
I don’t know who the other bikinis are with Sarah Hyland…..but there are a lot of bikinis..and that’s what matters.

Posted in:Sarah Hyland|SFW