Alexis Ren has had so much work done that she looks like one of the Asian men who pay her to sit on their faces in Japan when she’s on those all expense paid trips to Japan…or maybe she just looks 45 years old.
It is amazing that all these young girls, in part thanks to instagram, but mainly because they are weak, half retard, vapid, superficial cunts, who have no confidence or opinion of their own, so that they just fall into the pressure or trends others are involved in, to make themselves seem relevant, or fit in…
It happened with WAXING PUSSY, now it happens with face injections…it’s the women who do this to themselves thinking it makes them hotter and they put so much importance on their looks…even though they claim to be fighting being objectified….while they are half naked on the some confusing and contradictory shit..
So Alexis Ren, this fake fashion blogger, or influencer, who never gives you practical travel advice, but who gets half naked while traveling in some weird soft core porno poses….is out here..still slutty, don’t slut shame, slut celebrate….all while looking fucking MANGLED….especially in the face…but probably thinking she looks awesome…why else would she do this to herself…
Crazy. Times.

Posted in:Alexis Ren|SFW