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Candice Swanepoel Bikini of the Day

Candice Swanepoel Bikini

Candice Swanepoel is so fucking boring….even when half naked. I don’t think it’s me hating on her for being perpetually pregnant and thus becoming a shell of who she once was, no one likes mom pussy as much as fresh pussy, it’s a fact.

I think it has more to do with her doing the same half naked bikini shit for over a fucking decade….that has inspired thousands if not millions of girls on social media to do the same bikini shit pictures…with the same poses…that when I see a bitch with her pursed lips looking over her shoulder half naked…i have no choice but to hate her.

TRUST ME… I get the simplistic marketing of half naked girls to get audience in. I have run this site on that model for the last 15 years…not that we are an EBAY or anything…or that we are a we even…it’s a shitty blog…I get it…but at one point in time 200,000 people a day were coming through to look at tits…they didn’t stick around so they clearly canceled me, or didn’t ready my beautiful prose…PROVING my fucking point…girls in bikinis doing anything is worth looking at..

I would just prefer if the bikinis were pulling some kind of stunt, or bring someting original to the mix.

Oh look, another bitch in a bikini posing like a fucking drag queen in the 90s….playing their best fashion model…oh and it’s Candice Swanepoel…who we saw at 19 looking god in a bikini, no need for her to now be in a bikini…the South African, racist by definition…is fucking old, tired, a mom, and sucks.

Candice Swanepoel Bikini


Posted in:Candice Swanepeol|SFW