I'll Make You Famous…




Sofia Richie Bikini of the Day

Sofia Richie Bikini

Sofia Richie isn’t anything substantial, but she’s Lionel Richie’s biological daughter, so she’s his legacy and heir to his fortune, which I am sure is a huge fortune, he was a big deal when people got REALLY fucking paid….allowing her to exist as a vapid cunt who spends her days with Kardashians and peripheral Kardashian characters as it is good for Press / PR / Attention….

People find her hot, she’s got tits and an ass, but all that shit is boring…as are the same staged poses over and fucking over again….

When everyone pays to look the same, and beauty isn’t a commodity or something that is rare, so that when you find it you freak out like a kid with no dad, finding out his dad is a famous rockstar he’s about to cash the fuck in on, like a lottery ticket, all thanks to his mom’s loose morals and love for a good time at least that one time she went to a concert and got backstage the night he was conceived….

If you know what I mean….which is BEAUTY isn’t a doughy muppet face with fake dick sucking lips….but people think that is the one way ticket to being beautiful and now everyone looks the same, making it hard to differentiate each other.

What separates each muppet from each other?

Personality maybe? But that can’t be true all these young ppl speak in memes…the same memes, the same outfits, the same poses….

Maybe it’s outrageousness like a drag queen or a fat girl that amplify and exaggerate the personality to be accepted…liked….since they can’t just pull off fake lips to pout in the corner…the need to compensate for that fatness…maybe that is why fat girls are getting hype…because all mid range women are vapid idiots injectintheir faces like they think it matters…taking selfies…and morphing into some clone shit….when really it is just a billboard of how basic, typical and boring they are….

So they are taking selfies in the exact same poses and outfits as every other girl…they have given up on their own unique faces, and bodies, nothing is unique, not ideas, not content…maybe tis simulation or singularity is complete….maybe all you bitches are fucking robots and not even cool robots that blow shit up…or save the world against alien invasion….

Instead it is a whining, period getting, boring, repetitive robot…the kind you’d find on factory assembly lines replacing your laborer blue colour jobs…but with tits and an ability to suck a dick or two…if it is rich enough or impressive enough to make her social media feed look better.

It is dumb and I assume that this bitch is too.

Sofia Richie Bikini

Crop top slutty..
Sofia Richie Crop Top

Here she is at the Venice Film Festival for whatever reason..
Sofia Richie Venice Film Festival WHy

Sofia Richie Bikini



Posted in:SFW|Sofia Richie