Eva Amurri Martino is Susan Sarandon’s tits of a daughter, who attempted to have an acting career of her own, you know to find some self-identity, in a world where she will always be JANET FROM ROCKY HORROR’s daughter….so she ended up on Californication, showed her tits a lot, flashed the world in her own revolt and realized working sucks, and if you don’t have to do it, don’t do it….just get a rich guy to get knocked up by, in her case named MARTINO….or live off that Trust Fund cuz they all have too much money for doing virtually nothing important….actors….cuz I don’t know if Martino is rich or a K-Fed…and who cares…
This is about how tits can offset an ugly face….as her tits offset her ugly face.

Posted in:Eva Amurri Martino|SFW