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Evan Rachel Wood Bra of the Day

Evan Rachel Wood Bra

Evan Rachel Wood called out Paris Hilton because she left a “that’s hot” comment on the Stranger Thing childstar’s instagram, which is probably far less offensive than the things you’ve said about Millie Bobby Brown…

For some reason “that’s hot” offended the Westworld / Marilyn Manson fucking / I’m a bisexual and annoying…Evan Rachel Wood…despite the fact that “that’s hot” is Paris’ catch phrase, like “give me that black cock daddy” is Kim K’s catch phrase, and despite the fact that grown men and the media sexualize that child constant…

Not this site, we only fuck with 18+, but that do mean you’re not a pervert / predator and today is the most important day of the year to NOT put that pumpkin out there to hand out candy, even if your intentions are good.

I have a theory that anything a man does is perverted, even when it’s not…because men are almost always thinking of sex or sexual things by default and if you’re not it is because you are weird and not man enough to genetically want to spread your seed at your DNA core..

So handing out candy to kids, even when innocent, is putting you on the frontlines of danger, and all it takes is a random complaint to the police from an ex, a neighbor who hates you, your mom….to catch you on a vulnerable day and you can’t escape it….guilty by association….so that and Paris Hilton’s vapid retard catch phrases are your biggest threats….


Posted in:Evan Rachel Wood|SFW