I'll Make You Famous…




Topless Blackface of the Day

Halle Berry Topless

Halle Berry is slutty on the internet….

People like to give influencers shit for being shameless whores on instagram because that kind of content gets them more likes and followers. Basic logic that makes sense and works. If you don’t believe me, look at any nameless chick on IG with over 100k followers and scope her strategy. 99 percent of the time..she’ll be a whore.

I don’t give influencers shit for being shameless whores on their feed, but I do point out that they are being shameless whores on their feed, and my objective is to just highlight the tactics they use. Not shame them because I live in a world that relies on sluts to remain sane / entertained / masturbated.

I also don’t give influencers shit, because I know any and all famous chicks had the same tactics to get where they got, it was just for an exclusive group and not really advertised to the masses unless it was in a big budget movie…in which case they had an excuse for their behavior…

So Halle Berry, like influencers, had the same chick with great tit struggle and now that she’s forced to show us her personality to keep an audience engaged…not that this bullshit is that slutty, you can barely see what is going on, but she’s famous and rich and doesn’t need to be doing any of this, so that alone makes it proportionally more slutty and that’s great.

We (I) call this Blackface for Halloween, because I’ve been calling her a white girl in black face her whole career, seeing as she was raised white, never met her dad who fucked her per abortion hating black cock loving mom, which made her black enough for Hollywood execs to not cross the street to avoid…her tits helped…but like hollywood “fat”, Hollywood “black” is it’s own special racist thing, and this is the figurehead..

Here she is doing a deep pussy stretch against the wall..
Halle Berry Pussy Stretch


Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW