I'll Make You Famous…




Tight Pant Tuesday of the Day

If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that it is a great way for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer…I just saw amazon was building 5 distribution centers in my area alone thanks to all the mom and pop retail businesses that has shut the fuck down because it’s a new normal guys, where everything is done online…and soon the government will give us all free internet access to properly track what we do and shut off the things they don’t like….YAY….free internet that’s all you need to tell a motherfucker to get them to trade in their freedoms…not that the internet is free but you know when it becomes free there’s a fucking reason it’s free…

THAT SAID…AMAZON the new normal…but not all of the new normal is bad, plus AMAZON is pretty fucking convenient so how can you hate convenience…you can buy ANYTHING you want from pregnant sex dolls to 3 inch wide dildos…some cans of beans and other shit you don’t need that looks funny at 4 am when drunk…

But the other new normal is the activewear trend, so girls who were already wearing activewear on their days off, are now wearing it daily, and activewear is tight, so tight pussy hugging pants are fucking everywhere…which is enough to divert focus from the economic collapse we may experience when this is over….because lockdowns are for the rich…and now for the perverted cuz of the slutty tight pant selfies..sexy times….

Posted in:Tight Pants